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    My idea, posted above, would be tell the story of Mr. Wrench through the ages with each episode thematically connecting events from his youth to events in the 2000s. Any scene from his perspective would be shot without sound like the scene this season.

    It kind of sounds like you just want someone to explain the last two episodes of the season to you, unfortunately they haven't aired yet so we can't.

    I think S3 has been fantastic as well. I also think anyone writing the season off before it has actually ended is being a bit premature.

    I just don't see a True Detective type disaster happening with Hawley.

    Hawley should do whatever he wants for sure - no point in making a season of an anthology series if it isn't going to be great.

    What? HBO doesn't own the actors it employs. They're all free to go do whatever else they want between filming the shows they committed to film for HBO.

    Agree to disagree I guess. Really I just found the choice of Zod as the main villain to be so boring. He wasn't better in Man of Steel than he was in Superman II and there were so many more bold choices the film could have taken if they really wanted to be different. Starting with Brainiac whose exclusion from every

    Simply doing something unexpected doesn't make an ending great…and even if you liked that, the slugfest to get there was incredibly tiresome. I shut the movie off as it starts whenever I find it on TV.

    I just don't think Daddario is a very good actress personally. I remember being thrilled when her character got killed off in the first season of White Collar as she was by far the weakest part of the show and that was while appearing for a minute or two per episode.

    Unless what she is saying is she was in talks to direct WW before Michelle MacLaren and stopped discussions when she learned she didn't have a say in casting the lead. Then later came back and found out Gal was great.

    Man of Steel? How are you going to diss every single Marvel movie and say Man of Steel had a good third act? It was just big dumb action which is no different than the end to most Marvel movies, some of which did big dumb action way better (like the first Avengers).

    I don't really agree with the point at all personally because I thought the Gerhardts were probably the weakest characters in S2. Mike, Hanzee, and Peggy were all more interesting to me. I'd easily take Varga over them in a vacuum if I had to.

    I could argue for Better Call Saul (the courtroom scene), Leftovers (finale), Samurai Jack, so on. There is a LOT of good TV on these days and I don't see any problem in a reviewer giving their honest opinion about an episode. It isn't like the reviewer is asking you to change your opinion based on the review…

    Otto? He has a stroke in the very first episode and is pretty much a non-factor all season…

    I generally wish he got more appearances on Supernatural - it was a big tease to show his picture in the final episodes but then never have him show up.

    Really enjoyed this episode due to the Linda gag but I'm just not a huge fan of Rachel Dratch at all personally.

    Disagree with the "low rent" part of your statement, he'd be a damn fine Bond villain as-is. Better than Cristopher Waltz's villain from Spectre IMO.

    Fun accents?

    I read somewhere he dropped out and was replaced by Mark Forward.

    I'd also say the special effects and mummy design were pretty good for the time whereas the sequel had embarrassingly bad effects at times and the Scorpion King looked hilariously bad.