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    Yea it aired around the same time as this Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon I used to watch as a kid and I always saw commercials for it.

    I saw it more as an explanation of why Ardeth has no other friends.

    There also was a Saturday morning cartoon based on the series that took place between Mummy 2 and Mummy 3. I don't remember it being very good.

    Jesus Mummy 3 over Mummy 2? Mummy 3 was god awful in every way possible starting with Maria Bello was an awful, awful choice for Evie.

    "[t]o treat 'false' facts interspersed among actual facts and represented as actual facts as fiction would mean that no one could ever reproduce or copy actual facts without risk of reproducing a false fact and thereby violating a copyright … If such were the law, information could never be reproduced or widely

    I've always found the ending credits of Con Air to be strange.

    Went to school there - good town. If you're ever heading this way let me know and I'll send you more good places nearby so it isn't just for one spot.

    All I'll say is it isn't "losing everything." My sister was her high school president and valedictorian and went out of her way to interview with every Ivy league school and unfortunately got into none (why, I don't know). She ended up going to the same in-state school I did and is just as well off now.

    Well the thing that sucks is corporations still basically require a degree for you to get a decent job even though I haven't used one iota of knowledge from my business school degree in my job as a consultant over the past seven years.

    I agree - I really think college educations in general are generally less valuable than they used to be and spending 4-5x as much as you need to on an undergraduate degree is asinine.

    It's not at all because they get kegs from craft breweries across the nation. The place is a mile from where I live so I go there often, they change taps as frequently as they need to. Basically they have 15-20 new kegs on deck at any given point and switch out empty ones daily (and they try to always have different

    Maybe it's just Michigan, but I swear there are 2-3 new breweries every six months around where I live and many of them produce good and interesting beers. There are also a few tremendous beer bars with 50-60 taps that change frequently. So while it sucks that some of the longer-standing craft breweries are being

    The last point is the same thing I was thinking as well - plenty of people don't understand how big of an impact losing one species can have on the entire ecosystem. A good example is bees - people generally don't seem to like them cause they sometimes sting us but their role is very important in the ecosystem and

    You're somehow associating loving animals with not loving people which is an insane thing to do. You can love dogs AND people.

    Being comfortable around black people doesn't mean you get a pass in saying stupid, thoughtless shit.

    I think second generation parents who went through all of what OP described above, like me, likely will do that anyways. Because I personally wish I had a more balanced childhood.

    The real question is will The Winds of Winter be out by 2019?

    I just looked it up on Wikipedia and they do call him by his full name, Yuri Gurka, in the Germany scene.

    No mention at all of Mr. Wrench?

    You could be right, didn't think of it that way at all for some reason.