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    I don't have a problem with them cancelling that show specifically, just the comment that they need to cancel more stuff in general.

    I just don't get this…the whole thing with Netflix has been that they give showrunners creative freedom and room to do what they want to do and more times than not, it has worked out. If they start doing pilot season and axing shows quickly, they'll just become another shit network eventually.

    It would have been hilarious if the end of the season was Francesca heading to Japan to become a sushi chef prnsome other hokey sendoff of the S1 finale

    Alright I'll give you BCS as I didn't look at +3/+7 (nor can I find it anywhere for the CW shows). But you didn't really bother responding to any other comparison I made with other shows on the CW.

    Is that why Better Call Saul, which I would consider to be one of the best shows on TV, has steadily lost viewers since the end of S1? Or why Arrow, maybe a better comparison, has lost about 0.6-0.7M viewers a season?

    It's not at all uncommon for the first episode of a season to be the highest rated of a show's run…that really proves nothing. Just as an easy comparison, the S1 finale had half the viewership of the S1 premiere.

    If someone was obsessed maybe but simply liking superheroes and commenting on these types of articles when bored at work? No I don't think that's any less mature than talking sports or TV or anything else entertainment wise.

    I'm not saying you have to like Dev, just that I buy that there are attractive women who might.

    I think the character is good for comic relief but in general I'm not a huge fan of how all superhero shows seem to have some sort of super-scientist who can build any gadget or suit, hack into anything in the superhero's way, and figure out any piece of technology in a snap. I mean Winn is basically a superhero

    I don't think the CW is doing anything unreasonable - they gave an actress a role for a season and wanted to bring her on for more (at least according to reports) once she proved to be popular. They did the same thing over on Supernatural, as Castiel was never supposed to be a eight-plus season character.

    Is Dev really that dorky? He seems to keep himself in shape, is funny, is a good conversationalist, is shown to have great taste in food, can cook, and can speak Italian. He also is fairly successful from a professional standpoint in the second season. I mean I can understand not everyone would be physically attracted

    That's a shame, she fits the cast and story better than Jimmy and Winn IMO.

    It'd be impossible to tell as networks don't typically release streaming viewership but I'd bet the availability of streaming options on your phone, tablet, laptop, or whatever else helps shows as popular as Game of Thrones maintain viewership no matter when they air.

    I forgot about that episode of STAS…damn I need to find a way to rewatch those old DCAU cartoons at some point.

    Oh yea I'm not saying I think all spinoffs are a bad idea - BCS is one of my favorite shows currently airing. I just meant HBO's interest seems to have shifted into the spinoffs vs keeping the base Game of Thrones series on for as long as possible. Makes sense as well when you consider that the cast of GoT is probably

    The Justice League cartoon had a story with an alternate Superman who was a dictator as well although it was fairly similar to what Injustice became.

    Why do grown men who don't have an interest in comic book characters click on comic book articles to post comments to make people feel bad about liking comic book characters?

    He could have just been born in South Carolina and moved to NYC before that first Thanksgiving. One of my better friends moved to where I grew up when I was eleven and has lived here ever since. But before that he lived all over the place and considers where he was born and raised for first few years of his life where

    I can only offer my own perspective on things and frankly when people bash me for "making it about me" simply because I offer my viewpoint, it makes me not want to discuss anything with anyone. I don't think I have gone out of my way to offend anyone here, not sure why you persist on making this personal. I only

    I'm not exactly sure how to respond here. I feel like I'm generally a nice and inclusive person who is respectful of others and looks out, above all else, for my friends well-being. I would never put up with someone making someone who is at a gathering with me feel uncomfortable. And all I get out of this thread is