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    I didn't realize ARMS had that this weekend - will try it out. What do you think so far?

    Yea I'm not even going to bother explaining why I don't think it is right to take studies which associate a behavior with a certain gender, race, or sexuality and apply it to everyone who fits the bill. If that's how you base your opinion of other people, go ahead and do so. I prefer to give people the benefit of the

    So you just assume every guy doesn't know how to be a good and respectful conversationalist because a few people you've met aren't? You're describing shitty people and associating their behavior with men in general. Is that really a fair thing to do? Would you be happy with me if I or someone else did the same the

    I actually even think they used Josh's voice for Vigilante as in his first few appearances because I remmeber thinking it was almost laughable how obviously they were making Chase out to be Vigilante. It is why the Prometheus twist worked so well for me but at the same time would be nice to at least see Vigilante is

    What exactly do you mean here by "shit I don't have to think about"? Is it planning events? Because I do that a good amount of the time - I send out invites then go ask people one by one when inevitably 80% of them don't bother to reply, I call multiple places looking for somewhere that can hold a big group and make a

    Did you ever play The Witness? Zero conflict, all exploration and puzzle solving and very well done.

    I guess my point is more that neither were worked too well into this season. There was no point of Vigilante being in this season other than misdirecting who Chase was and Talia was barely introduced / given background with Oliver before emerging as a secondary threat. But agree that both could become bigger

    Middling is incredibly harsh…I think it has become cool to hate on Game of Thrones because it isn't the best show ever but it's still a damn impressive show even if it isn't the best. There really is nothing else like it on TV and plenty of networks are trying to copy it.

    Why wheedle out a few more episodes when you are working on wheedling out a few more spinoffs instead?

    I was a huge fan of this season but going to point out the two most obvious flaws:

    I just don't believe that is enough for the series to take a new path. They could have made Pied Piper a success in either S2 or S3. They could have had Richard team up for good with a different person or team in any season. They could have branched the other characters into meaningful relationships or jobs. They just

    I really think these kinds of things are stupid. I'm a male, fine that may saw my opinion a bit. I'm also a minority who has dealt with plenty of stereotyping and racism in his life. I don't think having events which only include people like me do anything to combat that.

    I don't think this is true…by the end of season two they've sold their product for a lot of money. So much that the first few episodes of season three deals with Walt realizing he is cooking to feel alive, not just for money.

    Or they just have Jian Yang get his house in some hilarious mishap and another character assumes his role cause that's what they've done every other season.

    He isn't the one who has stopped that from happening IMO.

    Has Team Arrow even met Wally? He got his powers after the crossover.

    I think you may be thinking too hard cause to me, it seems like every beloved franchise which comes out with a new installment is typically met with good to great reviews and average fanfare. Take The Force Awakens as an example - the vast majority of critics loved it but a lot of fans criticized it for being too

    I liked it and most people I know who didn't grow up watching Star Trek did too. It was just fine as a space-action movie. I can get that Star Trek fans wanted more but to say no one liked it as a bit of a stretch.

    I liked it too if that makes you feel any better.

    I was also fine with what the review of the last episode on AV Club suggested - pick the show up in 5-10 years with Dev's life wherever it is at that point.