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    For me it was Arnold saying being stuck in the alley was his nightmare while still in the car then watching the look of horror on his face as he got stuck further in the sunroof.

    Those would be mine too - also not sure the episode titles are spoilers haha.

    Disagree - I'll watch Supernatural forever if I can.

    No you're mistaking my point - I don't mind swearing at all. I think when it's used for no real reason, it comes off sounding like a middle school kid trying to be cool. That's what this article basically sounds like to me.

    People make so many assumptions about who uses these and why…at my work one of the younger team members first brought one in. I don't have a fidgeting problem but liked the idea of having something pocket sized to play with whenever I needed to take my mind off of whatever I was doing for thirty seconds. I mainly use


    But what about Elementary. Damn CBS is being slow to announce their renewals and cancellations.

    That's incredibly smart but I can't say for a fact I would have thought to do that and I thought about all of Dev's options for a few minutes. Kind of funny how my mind jumped to all of the tech options without thinking at all of the most practical one.

    Damn missed that. Thanks!

    Man this episode was really good.

    Is Fred for sure dead? I assumed that he would survive given Jughead doesn't narrate specifically that he died and shows often bring back characters in that same situation.

    Yea but he showed no adverse effects from his relationship - he almost immediately jumped into a new relationship with Valarie and from her to Veronica now. And pretty much the entire cast has forgotten Grundy was even a part of this season (which isn't a bad thing IMO).

    Well except when Archie had sex with Ms. Grundy. It may have been bad for Grundy but Archie really didn't seem to suffer much.

    This is the CW…literally everyone is going to have sex with everyone at some point in this series.

    I've literally never heard or read that expression before this episode.

    Alright fair enough.

    It doesn't really tie with any of the other stuff shown though…such as Jimmy watching old commercials of himself or working daily at a mall.

    I think other people have pointed it out but on top of everything else, Chuck claims he knew the address was 1216 during his rant, which is the wrong address number Jimmy doctored on. It makes me wonder if destroying Chuck's case would have been as simple as asking him what the correct address for Mesa Verde was.

    No…they revealed in S1 that Chuck's illness is all in his head - when he doesn't notice electricity is on near him he has no symptoms. The writers are being consistent.

    I saw it more as Jimmy just had all of his bases covered in proving Chuck's illness was purely mental. If Chuck assumed his phone had electricity and feigned pain, he could show there was no battery. If he saw through that, he could instead show the battery was with Chuck all along. Either way he was going to expose