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    Awesome and unexpected news - AoS is really good right now.

    Spoilers based on the sizzle reel ahead:

    Maybe it's just me but I was a huge fan of Roy. His ridiculously unnecessary flips aside of course.

    I would call your stance the popular one actually - only TV and movie writers think the stakes have to be super high for a villain to be interesting. Or, more likely, they think that putting the world at risk makes up for having a mediocre villain otherwise.

    Or SNA which was by far my favorite airport in that area.

    Saul helps Badger in his actual first appearance but I think they knew of him because he had helped Emilio prior to BB starting. I bet we do see Emilio at some point if that's the case.

    I could be remembering Breaking Bad wrong, but didn't Jesse know about Saul because Saul got Emilio (Jesse's first partner who dies in the BB pilot) acquitted a few times?

    The Peyton List on Frequency is not the Peyton List from Disney Channel. The one from Frequency is best known for having been on Mad Men and the Flash.

    That's kind of a bullshit "I can tear that apart" statement - because I could easily ask "Did BCS have to be made" as well or "Did the BB prequel have to feature Jimmy / Saul at all." The point is more that Mike is a part of the show because the showrunners made a creative decision to integrate his and Gus'

    I will bet against that. Jesse doesn't fit into the pre-BB world or really the post-BB world for Saul or Mike. A cameo may be possible given he deals with Krazy-8 and indirectly Tuco before BB but supporting doesn't seem likely.

    I thought that was a bit obvious when she was introduced.

    Based on comments I've read myself here or at other sites like IGN, I would believe OP is addressing very specific complaints but can't speak for them. I will say though there are a lot of people who don't understand that some shows, like BB and BCS, aren't paced to be thrilling in every episode and then complain

    To be fair, OP expressly addressed people who complained about last week's episode with the rationale of it having too much BB fanservice and not enough courtroom drama. If your complaint was about Mike not being interesting as a character, seems like his or her post wouldn't apply to you.

    I don't really get the complaint at all. Mike is a main character on this show and we know that by BB, he is working as a trusted member of Gus' organization. It stands to reason that he would have met Gus in this timeframe. Same as it stands to reason that Jimmy would have met everyone he works with as well.

    Jesus…what an awful complaint.

    Honestly it was Tuco for me because it was such an oh shit moment in the very first episode. And it helped that I hadn't thought of him as a possibility despite how prominent he was in the first 1.5 seasons.

    Great comment - I feel mostly the same. I really enjoy the Mike stuff but it bothers me when people say the Jimmy stuff is boring and moan about how the show isn't getting to Saul. Saul was an awful human being, that the show has managed to make a guy we know will become Saul so likable yet flawed enough to believably

    Might just be personal preference but I think older Peyton List is way hotter than Disney version.

    I can because Peyton List has been on a bunch of stuff and is very attractive.

    I liked Frequency but not really that upset it's gone either. Never watched No Tomorrow.