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    Any team-up has to include Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke - I probably have seen White Collar beginning to end roughly 7-8 times given it is always on all-day marathons when I'm working from home Fridays (travel for work Mon-Thurs so always work from home Friday).

    Yea I loved it - it was perfect for summer TV and unlike what other networks had. I also generally think White Collar was one of the best shows USA has ever done.

    Yea I saw that on Shark Tank actually. But that has more to it than just a camera as I believe they also weigh the food with the plate.

    Check out some of the apps in the link above - I'm sure they have a filter by ingredient option in all of them. I believe allrecipes.com also let's you filter recipes by ingredient.

    I think that app already exists - I remember an app which kept track of everything you bought from the grocery store and recommended recipes based on what you had at home and just bought. I think there are actually a lot of grocery / pantry apps like that.

    Fair enough.

    I guess I see your point - the VCs did ask for a demo. Just seemed like if it was me, my thought process would go:

    It's typical AV Club, they're so busy looking for racist or sexist undertones that they never bother taking a step back and using common sense. Like does it matter at all that Monica's plan all along was to trick Raviga into spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on an idea she knew was shit simply to get her old

    Are VCs really as clueless as they appeared on this show? I mean a basic understanding of technology should tell you that "Shazam for food" is not going to work in enough scenarios to be useful. There's no way an app could analyze a picture of food alone and come up with nutritional facts, recipes, ingredient, so on…

    I don't think the original title is that great personally. There was nothing wrong with Edge of Tomorrow IMO - movie was just marketed like shit.

    Yea I could see that. When I first started flying for work I had a trip planned to DC for fun. Then my work sent me to DC the week before so I just figured I could book a one-way to go earlier, miss my original flight there, and take the return home. Learned the hard way that Delta will cancel your whole itinerary for

    How did the son catch an earlier flight without changing his ticket? Did they buy him a new ticket?

    The late seasons of Agents of Shield are, IMO, the best example of how to do comic book TV right. Splitting seasons into pods makes the plot feel like a comic book story.

    I don't mind a food section but I really wish articles like this would stop assuming any of us give a shit about nuanced reviews about new fast food items. Fast food is generally shit or average food you go get cause it's cheap and, naturally, fast.

    I've liked the second season of Supergirl way more than the first season. The new characters are fun, including Superman and the tone still fits the show. The Flash is so gloom and doom nowadays that it seems like the writers forgot the core essence of what made the first season work so well. It wasn't mopey Barry, it

    It's by far the worst season of the four CW-verse shows this year but I will say the crossover this year is worth watching in its entirety.

    I mean the first season is told over a span of months so it isn't like the characters are always doing that stuff. Aziz is often on dates as well and you do tend to go out to restaurants and bars on first dates.

    Yea I know - I have to level up my gear in general. So far I've been mostly wearing one set and using others only when I have to for environment purposes.

    Wow that's awesome - the game really impresses me in someway new everyday.

    Ah gotcha - they probably internally consider the Divine Beasts dungeons and will rename the "dungeon" when it comes out same as they renamed the "Cave of Trials" for pack one. I doubt it's going to be just one more shrine - that would be pretty weak sauce.