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    I mean I had Star Wars Battlefront and would argue the base content of that game wasn't much more than Splatoon and they charged a season pass for most of their add-on content. So while Nintendo's rationale of releasing content in piece-meal to keep people engaged in the game may have been a bit dumb, they could have

    The skeleton enemies are the same though - they make exploring at night much less fun at times.

    Well based on the longer description I read, the hard mode adds new enemies in addition to leveling up the existing one. So it is a bit different. But I also am not someone who ever plays a hard mode or new game plus so you don't have to convince me that it isn't that appealing.

    I found them pretty easy to kill - just use Stasis on them while they're standing still and go get 'em.

    Don't want to spoil the game for anyone who hasn't finished so using tags for my reaction just in case (don't think there are big spoilers but you never know what someone thinks a spoiler is nowadays):

    The game already features Link in a bikini top and in his boxers…so the speedo outfit would fit in pretty well.

    Meh…you're not mentioning Splatoon or Super Mario Maker, both of which had a lot of free DLC which greatly expanded the base game content. And outside of those and Smash, which agreed had very pricey DLC, Nintendo really didn't do much DLC at all on the Wii U and Zelda is the first Switch game with it. Unless I'm


    A lot of people would argue it is the better kind of DLC - optional content that doesn't take away from the base game.

    Legends of Tomorrow and Flash both feature quite a bit of time travel over on the CW. They also had Frequency which featured a woman talking to a past version of her dad over a ham radio.

    How is it becoming more of a joke - because you hear 1-2 bad stories in a span of three weeks? There are thousands and thousands of flights every day. I fly 100-150 segments a year for work and have never encountered any issues like this. Could it be that in every single profession, in every single industry, you're

    If you risk dying from not being able to pee for 30 minutes to a hour, you really should not be flying at all.

    This is ridiculous - the United thing was a terrible situation where the airline was at fault. But this is basics of flying - airlines cannot have anyone not seated and buckled in while they taxi and get huge fines if caught otherwise. Delta is following actual laws here so if you have an issue with it - take it up

    I don't think it's a trope. I work in consulting so I have a lot of different clients and project team members I've worked with and find that the majority of them don't use Google as much as they should. I field a ton of questions and help with a ton of issues where a simple Google search would have netted the person

    I wasn't commenting on you specifically - in general, I do see a lot of people get upset with the show because they changed one thing about a character they liked or they didn't follow a theory people had or something like that. Personally I think the show is pretty good and while there are some choices I didn't like,

    I don't really agree - I think people who have unrealistic expectations of what can be done in a ten-hour season to adapt an enormous book are bound to be disappointed but I never really cared much about the difference between ASOIAF and the show. Some changes were for the worse but others I think improve on the

    Reality is you do anything and you're going to die. We're all mortal…

    If Marcus' girlfriend is dead, god damn do the writers hate the characters on this show. Sherlock's girlfriend faked her own death and proved to be his greatest nemesis later, Joan's boyfriend died drinking coffee meant for her, the Captain's girlfriend has multiple sclerosis, and now Marcus' girlfriend may be dead.

    I literally named the actor so how the fuck did you come up with me thinking Richard the character is doing the commercial? Seems to me like you're trying way too hard to get worked up over my OP vs trying to have a discussion about it where your first reply doesn't end in an insult directed at someone you've never

    I have a DVR and streaming and know how to use both…at the same time I like watching certain shows live and I definitely am going to watch sports live as watching it recorded is pointless. I also get exposed to ads when I watch Youtube on my iPad - in fact that is probably where I see those Verizon commercials the