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    I've been playing an ongoing game with friends for years (I think since 2009 to be precise) where the first person to name a song playing at a bar can make the rest of the group drink. It's a dumb and fun tradition. Wouldn't want to see a game show about it though.

    That's cool - I've thought about doing my own thing for a little while. I work as a consultant who does finance ERP implementations and can think of a few accelerators / applications that could help a lot of my clients out. But I don't have any experience with coding or selling yet as I primarily work on delivery on

    If you don't mind saying, what were the concepts of your start-ups?

    Am I the only one who likes Richard considerably less because Thomas Middleditch apparently spent his entire time between seasons filming incredibly annoying commercials for Amex and Verizon? Didn't he also used to do Smirnoff as well? Seems like he really just wants to be a commercial actor…

    I can see what you're saying but the tight rope Silicon Valley has been walking is portraying Richard's algorithm as truly revolutionary while putting up enough road blocks to keep having him fail. It's easy to see where that could get old for a TV show as eventually, you start to stop sympathizing with the

    Meh…I really have liked the way Phase 3 is structured so far with mini-Avengers movies grouped with two solo movies every year. See no real reason to change that in Phase 4, even if some of the original cast decides not to keep making MCU films.

    Would point to the "The Princess and the Bounty Hunters" as another example of an episode which really doesn't feature Jack much at all. 95% of the episode is six characters discussing intricate plans on how to defeat Jack, only for him to easily take them all out in thirty seconds at the end of the episode.

    I know this is a wish list and all but zero chance Square OKs including games like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy II / III when they are selling those games on mobile.

    Slight book spoilers below:

    There is pretty much no chance given del Toro wants a massive budget to do it and Hellboy 2 was a box office disappointment. He'd have to fund it himself.

    Speak for yourself - I badly wanted Master of None S2 and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt S3 personally.

    Do you have Netflix? It's on there.

    I think it depends on what you like. Venture Bros has six seasons plus a bunch of specials and is basically a parody of Johny Quest and a bunch of other 80s cartoons. It has great humor and a very good overarching plot (although S1 isn't as focused on story).

    Could be wrong but I think Universal letting a Chinese production company co-produce the movie also means they get a more traditional cut of the gross vs the 25% most films get in China. Which means we're definiteluy getting eight more F&F movies.

    Ah gotcha - yea that is definitely on Comcast then. Hopefully they at least put it OnDemand today.

    You didn't say Samurai Jack was on another level and then ask how many shows can boast that quality, you first asked how many shows were as good and when I said plenty said that it was on another level as far as cartoons go as you likely thought I was only referring to live-action shows. If I misunderstood you, I

    To be fair.:.no cable provider was going to predict that the masters would go to a playoff.

    You literally said this: "Sure there are but Samurai Jack is truly on another level as far as cartoons go. I'm speaking generally in comparison to its cartoon contemporaries."

    Never has it been more clear that most people commenting didn't bother to read beyond the headline.

    They're going to call it Boston 25 News…you know, as the article says…