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    I'm not trying to get deep…I've literally just been replying to questions or statements you've made. Like I said, I'm not trying to compare or rate shows - I just don't agree with your earlier point that no other cartoon is on the same level as Samurai Jack. I think there are a lot of excellent cartoons at the same

    Something I just noticed, this season started with roman number 92 and the fourth episode ended with 52 - did they do this intentionally to show that 40 years have passed between seasons? If so…that doesn't make a lot of sense given the roman numerals never represented the number of years Jack has been in the future.

    I'm not going to say one is objectively better than the other because they are so very different, but something like The Venture Bros. is just as brilliant in its own way as Samurai Jack is. And it's not quite as good (or as far into its run) but the new Voltron series on Netflix is truly excellent as well. Young

    What? Aku was constantly doing evil shit in the early seasons…just cause they made him goofy so kids weren't terrified by him doesn't change that.

    Quite a few actually - there are a ton of great TV shows out these days IMO. Samurai Jack is definitely one of them though.

    I think it's fair for her to catch a little flack for agreeing to be in the ad but I also think she has taken a bit too much blame as she is the most recognizable face associated with the fiasco. She wasn't the one who commissioned the ad, wrote the ad, or directed it. She likely didn't do much other than to show up

    Powers Boothe always plays a dastardly villain well.

    I really just read that as Chuck didn't want to mess with an adult who was the head of a gang.

    "Speaking of Cheryl, that “Secrets & Sins” game felt a little weird from a writing standpoint. I’m all for revealing party games on teen shows, dating back to a memorable slumber party on Beverly Hills, 90210 when I was a kid. But Cheryl’s presentation and all the subsequent blurting out of grievances was all very

    Or just a real enraged bear - make people feel the pain firsthand.

    Given Hunnam is best known for starring in Sons of Anarchy and I doubt Ledger was aiming for a TV role when he was a movie star…yes.

    Guy deserved to get fired, not much else to say.

    As much as I liked his character, I struggle to see why Dan Fogler's character would be needed in the future. It really seems like they should let Newt and gang go given the focus is shifting entirely off of them.

    What's missing in your post is why people get "so fucking hyped." And that reason is because the developers trying to raise money promise the sun and the moon to get people onboard. They are the owns who compare what they will build to great games that we all love. So it is bullshit to do that and later bitch about

    Is anyone upset by this? Coogler is a better choice by far IMO.

    Am I the only one who wishes Colin Farrell was playing Grindelwald for all five movies?

    He won't apologize directly to anyone if there is a pending lawsuit as likely he is still planning on playing the not at fault card at trial.

    You know you can use the miles on magazine subscriptions / gift cards - right? May as well do that if you have some.

    "The show we could have had" sounds considerably worse to me than Better Call Saul. I'm glad we have what we have - BCS is a fantastic show and establishing the background characters of Breaking Bad in a deeper way is working to improve that show retroactively IMO.

    It was a combination of her dying indirectly due to Oliver and the Mirakuru making him unreasonable and psychotic that led to the first conflict between Oliver and Slade. After that, he could add getting stabbed in the eye and left for dead to his list of grievances.