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    The latter for sure - in fact before I stopped going to Chipotle, I always used to get a burrito bowl with no beans or rice and chips on the side so I could eat Chipotle nachos.

    Disagree completely - nachos are all about topping a chip with something instead of dipping it in something. If I am spooning meat, cheese, veggies, and sauce onto a chip, it's a nacho.

    I like combining colby jack cheese with a bit of buffalo hot sauce in my grilled cheese. Also like cheddar with some oregano shaked on.

    Have you seen Legends of Tomorrow this season? I hated S1 to the point where I wasn't going to watch it all this year until I started hearing the good buzz. I could go point for point on why it is better but no real reason to do so unless you want me to. I'll just say it's a genuinely fun show to watch this year and

    I'm really not a fan of the trend on LMOE of introducing a new character, killing them off right when they get interesting, and then introducing another new character. Phil, Mike, and Lewis all fit into that. I'm sure the same will be true of the new kid and / or Kristin Wiig whenever she shows up. It just seems like

    Kind of pissed they didn't air the fourth episode of Samurai Jack, the show has been away for too long to have its final season dicked around with. Oh well, another week I suppose.

    Eh…it's fine not to take the guy at his word but what he is clearly saying is that the stores selling comics are the ones sending the message. So a more accurate headline would have said "Marvel exec says stores claim diversity isn't selling" or something like that. Not even saying the AV Club is wrong in questioning

    My experience in elementary and middle school was April Fools Day was an excuse to bully people and claim they couldn't take a joke if they didn't play along for a lot of people. Just like St Patrick's Day was an excuse to punch the Indian kid whose parents never taught him to wear green so hard that he got welts.

    Man…I just don't really care about Flash as a character anymore…he's pretty much Felicity level bad at this point IMO. Always is whining or emoting over something, constantly makes terrible decisions, many of which should paint him as a villain to a team like the Legends as he fucks with time as much as Thawne…

    He's the only one I would care about that somewhat makes sense. But really does he make sense? He didn't exactly leave on bad terms or conflicted.

    Lots of people don't like Sorkin I guess but I thought his scripts for The Social Network and Steve Jobs were both really good. If they get the right character and he is just writing, I'm on board. After all, if he can write good stories about real-life megalomaniacs, why not fictional?

    "believe it or not, My Cousin Vinny"

    Diggle / Lyla or Wally / Jesse? Cmon dude.

    If your point is that the CW is against interracial relationships, you should watch any of their other shows. I could name at least ten interracial relationships that have happened in Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow - some of them lasting quite a long time like Barry and Iris.

    "President Wonder Woman is back via Skype. Also she’s an alien. Make of that what you will."

    Nowhere does it say she will be the main villain so hard to understand where the Josh Segarra to her thing came from.

    Honestly very few shows plan shit out well in advance. Vince Gilligan went on record saying he had no idea what the end game for Walt was going to be when he showed the teaser of Walt buying the machine gun in the S5 premiere.

    I wonder if they'll bring up Sherlock obstructing justice to keep Shinwell out of jail in a future episode - he could presumably hang that over Sherlock's head to keep him from continuing to interfere.

    I really wish Zach Snyder was given the boot from the DCEU…I like most of the casting and the general plot decisions, the execution has just been horrible. This trailer looks pretty good and I'll give the movie a fair chance but hard to not be skeptical at this point.

    You're both assuming that Julia is a fully evil monster already when she hasn't really been portrayed anywhere near as bad as Martin. And given next week's preview shows the gang trying to retrieve Julia's shade, my guess is she'll get that back soon enough and be back to normal.