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    Just want to say thanks to Randall Colburn for covering Top Chef with the stray comments - it was the perfect format for this type of show and I was very happy to have somewhere to discuss these episodes. Hope it continues next season!

    You realize that fans unmodulated Reverse Flash's voice and realized it was Cavanaugh after like one episode of Reverse Flash appearing - right? That's why they don't go the modulation route anymore, it simply doesn't hide the actor's identity enough in the modern age.

    First of all, they were NOT fired from PwC…they were told they would never work on another Oscars. Pretty big difference. Source below if you don't believe me:

    What sort of nut job do you have to be to harass these guys over flubbing an envelope handoff?

    Isn't gritty King Arthur coming out this year already?

    I kind of get the feeling that Arrow may be setting up Talia to be next season's big bad in the same way they had Slade be a part of the flashbacks in S1 before having him become the bad in the present in S2.

    I don't know if I agree with your latter statement at all. I know plenty of people who are from NYC who would never live anywhere else because they love the city. Same with Boston, Chicago, San Fran, so on.

    I don't know, the overall quality of the Arrowverse is good IMO. Legends of Tomorrow got way better by incorporating villains from past seasons of Arrow and Flash and the crossover they did this year was their best one, by far, yet.

    That's a fair point, but I would also point out people should assess the risk they are taking on when they commit to loans and leases rather than assuming everything with go swimmingly and blaming every external factor when it doesn't.

    I'd be interested in this Uber driver giving a more detailed explanation as to how he became bankrupted and lost $97,000 by the rates lowering.

    No one gives a shit about Avatar anymore other than James Cameron.

    Next year…Avatar the Game has been delayed but Cameron and Ubisoft announce three new sequels to it that are being produced concurrently.

    I'm a little confused by your example then I guess…because Youtube Live has ESPN2 and ESPN3. I thought you were saying you wanted to pay less to not have Fox News.

    I mean you could have done this a while ago…Sony has had a similar service for around a year now.

    The main channels I watch TV on right are the major networks, CW, USA, AMC, FX, FXX, SyFy, Cartoon Network (only really for Venture Bros whenever that comes out every two years) and HBO. This package has all of those channels except for Cartoon Network, AMC and HBO. I can probably pay for Venture Bros, Better Call

    Are you asking why not from a business perspective? Because it makes perfect sense that the large companies which own the majority of the above channels wouldn't want to offer them a la carte when they don't have to.

    Boy…FX is really doubling down on the anthology series approach aren't they? AHS, ACS, Fargo, and now Feud.

    I wonder how anyone can doubt the MCU machine nowadays…they got sequels for Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Dr. Strange. I think they can manage getting a sequel for a Spider-Man portrayal audiences already are thrilled with.

    Does that mean Casey Affleck is going to be handing an award to some poor actress next year?

    Equally was the wrong word and not really what I meant to type, just wanted to say I thought this article was bad. I could edit if you'd like but I usually avoid editing posts so people don't call me out for doing that…