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    I actually like food articles but this isn't one of any value. Like I said elsewhere, if they took Trump eating steak like a buffoon and created an article on how to properly order steaks or cook steaks or anything like that, I get it. What mostly annoys me is the incredible laziness that went into producing this

    They did with its old formula, the new one is way toned down which is likely what this author drank.

    Your analogy doesn't make a lot of sense…this is more like a kid seeing another classmate, who is maybe a jerk, doing something odd and pointing it out and making fun of him in an attempt to make him cry. And yes, when I was in school that sort of behavior did get us punished.

    You have more as an outlet if you wanted to pursue it. You could speak out publicly against him, you could work with local politicians to fight whatever bullshit you can, you could work with people who voted for Trump because they got conned by one aspect of his campaign instead of doing what a lot of anti-Trump

    I consider observing someone acting inappropriately and responding with that same behavior as something a child would do. Something a child likely would be put in time out for.

    Counterpoint to what? I'm not arguing against Trump being awful…I'm just saying this article is equally awful.

    I said I wasn't OK being a consumer of it, not that I would stop being a consumer of it. I might if these sorts of articles take over completely but there are still some aspects of the AV Club (like Teti's articles) which resemble the site I came to ten years ago.

    Let's not act like there aren't a half-dozen outlets for your Trump rage on this site every day. The AV Club posted this article because it was easy and it guaranteed them a lot of hits and comments. They do that often enough and they'll become the next Yahoo.

    Never said I was leaving, just am voicing my opinion that content like this is garbage, that the writer of this should take a look in the mirror as he himself is a child working a job that helps no one, and I'll continue to bash shit like this. Because I have as much right to post on these comment sections as you all

    This isn't remotely interesting. It isn't even original content, given they're just screenshotting a Twitter post.

    This isn't treating him like a child, this is acting like a child because he is acting like a child.

    I'm not a fan of Trump or anything but why the fuck is this an article here? Kind of rich for AV Club to call anyone else a child while publishing this shit at the same time.

    I like the idea of spreading out releases but I think that traditional calendar is already changing a bit - Disney has started to use the whole calendar year for their big budget movies and I'm sure other studios will follow.

    How does getting an Oscar nomination help anyone to begin with? I'm sure studios like it, but are they really going to give a director or a cast shit if their movie makes a ton of money at the box office? Do movie fans really need to see an Oscar nomination to have their opinions validated?

    All I'll say is I tend to watch a lot of movies and the Best Picture doesn't often seem to be the most memorable movie in most years. Maybe that isn't the criteria they use…which is fine. But IMO the best picture of the year should be the one you think people will still watch and care about five, ten years from now.

    I think people read too much into things and see what they want to see. I've seen zero bias based on gender either way.

    That is ridiculous…you have zero insight into why she made the decision she did. Maybe she didn't realize a good portion of her winnings would go to paying taxes. Maybe she thought she could do a big trip and meet her career needs and found she couldn't.

    I really wish that the second they get to the finale, they throw all twists and crazy working environments out the door. I really enjoyed the finales in the first few seasons when it was just the final chefs cooking the meals of their lives with no restrictions.

    I just disagree that spoiler tags need to be used for every movie ever just in case someone hasn't seen it. I don't intentionally talk about movies someone else hasn't seen (what's even the point of doing that as they can't converse back) but when a movie's quotes or scenes become part of societal lexicon, it seems

    Well in that context it sounds less like a dick move and more like an accidental reveal. Which IMO is fine. Your OP made it seem like you intentionally discussed the movie even as your friend didn't want to as he hadn't seen it.