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    Here is what I think:

    IMO it's common courtesy to check if someone cares about spoilers or not with new movies and shows before revealing anything about it. I have plenty of friends who just say "I'm going to go see it so don't want to discuss" and then I refrain from talking about it more until they see it too.

    Yea but the whole reason he was pretending to be dead was so he could infiltrate Hydra and help take them down. And Hydra has been taken down. So now he's just staying out of the public eye for no reason.

    "There are two thorny, potentially fascinating plots in “Rekt In Real Life.” Unfortunately,"

    I kind of feel like the MCU is badly misusing Fury…he added very little to Avengers 2 and I'm sure it'll be the same with Infinity War…what good is he going to be against a cosmic entity with infinite power?

    I'm going to point out that I have a fairly discerning palate but when I get drunk, that flies out the window. It's funny that they were all drunk and all but it also very well could have influenced their judging.

    Eh…I don't really agree. Strong chefs utilize their help in whatever way they see best. Sheldon doesn't really need Silva's cooking style, he just needs another competent chef to help him deliver his vision by doing all the prep that he can. So IMO it definitely makes more sense to just go for personality clashes.

    Katsuji is such an asshole. He asks John to take a shot with him (knowing John has issues with alcoholism based on past episodes), then takes one himself and toasts to John's last episode on Top Chef.

    What in the literal fuck are you talking about?

    YouTube ads have to be the least effective ads of all time, at least for me. I just turn my volume all the way down while they are playing and focus on whatever else I'm doing as I'm almost always multi-tasking while on YouTube.

    The Coulson thing with Ivanov was funny but also kind of retroactively hurts previous episodes which spent a lot of time building up the Superior as a worthwhile baddie.

    Did you ever see her as Chun Li in that terrible 90s Street Fighter movie with JCVD?

    On the other hand, leaving someone unreplaced who can single-handedly destroy the rest of your LMDs is also a bad move.

    Finally caught up with Portlandia and man…it has really returned to form IMO. I laughed a lot during the first five episodes.

    You realize all of Nolan's movies, including dunkirk, are distributed by WB - right?

    I thought it was pretty bad…whenever I lose interest in finishing a movie midway through, I feel that movie is bad.

    Thanks for the reply and book recommendation - always looking for good new reads for my weekly flights for work. Will continue Wick talk in spoiler-space:

    He killed one guy with a pencil who wasn't attacking him in any way…that pales in comparison to what John Wick does.

    Based on what I am reading…he was never convicted. Taking a no contest plea to settle without admitting guilt is not the same as being convicted.

    I can accept this explanation.