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    Not saying you're implying this, but do people not like what Mel Gibson makes? Payback is still one of my favorite movies from when I was growing up (funny story, my friend told me it was a good family movie so I convinced my parents to take 13 year old me to a showing…they were not amused) and I think he generally

    I think Keanu is just a guy who has kept himself in shape which makes sense given he mostly does action roles…there are plenty of actors who look terrible, IMO, because they try to de-age using plastic surgery and / or excessive make-up. So I dunno if it's the fact that he is an actor, I think it is more likely a

    He also kills two guys with a pencil…a fuck-ing pencil. I mean who the fuck does that?

    …Jackie Chan? I grew up watching subbed versions of his Chinese movies and he became a fairly big American movie star after a while because a lot of people did the same. Hell he even had that animated cartoon that I found endlessly entertaining (Jackie Chan Adventures).

    Yes he doesn't get enough credit for this - he is so smooth in all of his action scenes it's unreal. What's crazy to me is some people don't get the difference between that and the majority of action movies nowadays which rely on smash cuts and close angles over great coordination in single shots. Keanu has the action

    Saw John Wick 2 twice last weekend. Will preface I absolutely loved it. That being said (using spoiler tags for a reason):

    Yea that makes sense but as I replied below, I also kind of feel Mel has done his time at this point. And maybe Mike Tyson is a bad example, I could offer up Woody Allen or Roman Polanski as better ones. Polanski was eventually arrested of course but he made films for over three decades after his crime that studios

    I get that but I could also very much argue that Gibson didn't skate free either as he has pretty much been in career purgatory for a decade outside of films he mostly financed on his own.

    Meh not going to pay to see a sequel to the worst comic book movie I've paid to see in theaters no matter who directs it. So don't care too much about this. I will say I don't understand why people forgive one person for something stupid and / or criminal they did and not another. I thought Gibson was fair in pointing

    Unless the DCEU turns it around critically, they're going to reboot IMO. Hopefully WW is as good as the trailers look.

    Mel Gibson has been slowly crawling back to relevance for a while now…I mean he signed on to Hacksaw Ridge in 2014 and did a cameo in the Expendables before that. This is one thing I probably would not blame on Trump.

    There was an episode where he reveals he combines alcohol and blizzards and names them things like rizzard (rum and blizzard), gizzard, so on. Your combinations reminded me of that.

    I had a coworker tell me he went to a bar that poured a coffee flavored beer over a chilled espresso shot and that it was amazing.

    This sounds like a Vernon Barbara plot.

    Is she actually going to live in Detroit? I always tell people who don't live in Michigan that I live in Detroit because it's the only city they know in Michigan, but I live in a suburban city about 45 minutes to a hour north of Detroit. As does just about everyone I know, even those of my friends and family who work

    Uh what? Are you actually from Michigan? Dan Gilbert and Mike Ilitch are 1a and 1b on the list of people who did more than just about anybody to help the comeback of Detroit. Kid Rock is nowhere near them in terms of contributions to the comeback.

    Yea I totally get that…I just don't think it's something you should be able to really sue for. If you're someone who liked this beer solely because it was a craft brew, I have no sympathy for you retroactively hating the beer and wanting a refund for something you've long pissed out.

    Meh…if the beer is really that shitty I would guess most people would stop buying it after one go-around unless they liked it. I get that Walmart broke rules but isn't that usually handled with fines and forcing them to change their process? Suing them to recoup beer you drank is a little like someone trying to return

    Hmm…but wasn't Phase 3 announced in 2014? A year before Feige took sole command of Marvel Studios? I thought Black Panther and Captain Marvel were always part of the plan for Phase 3 and their release dates actually got moved back due to the Spider-Man deal.

    Young Justice is definitely the darker show but I don't think that makes it worse. It's actually a great example of how two very different tones can work if done properly as I enjoyed both the DCAU and YJ thoroughly.