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    Oh yea, the rumors were definitely that Perlmutter was the one imposing his antiquated beliefs on everyone else. And I think everyone thinks the MCU is better off now with Feige solely in charge.

    Did you watch Civil War? War Machine was in a pretty huge chunk of that movie…

    On a related side note, when I was in high school I was super into the DCAU and was part of a forum. One of my friends was a moderator who got to interview McDuffie and passed on his e-mail to me as I had a few random questions I wanted to ask him about the University of Michigan (a school I was going to that he had

    Sad thing is, that's also what actual Marvel executives thought too - it got leaked a while ago that one of the reasons they haven't made Black Widow is because the few movies featuring a superheroine, like Elektra and Catwoman, bombed.

    The British spell artifacts as artefacts. Both are considered correct.

    It's kind of odd HBO is airing this a week after Veep this year given they usually align their season premieres. It's also going to feel weird seeing this without Game of Thrones right before it. But glad it will be back soon all the same.

    I feel like just about everyone I talk to has seen Silicon Valley…it had the good fortune to air behind Game of Thrones so a lot of people stayed up to watch it and realized it's awesome. I don't think it is lacking in the popularity department at this point.

    I forgot all about that - damn.

    You're right - whoops. Will fix.

    A friend of mine pointed this out - what an incredible year of sports we have had in the last twelve months:

    Your lack of Chick-Fil-A makes me sad. Although I will say, I've never had Bojangles as they don't have them in Michigan as far as I know.

    Honey mustard is something plenty of grown-ups like as well, given Chick-Fil-A sauce is basically a glorified honey mustard and people go crazy for it.

    John Wick will answer that question directly for you if you go see this movie.

    It is.

    Not to mention a nice critique of the Narnia books as well. I will admit, I loved the Magicians books.

    Just got back from the theaters and holy shit - they really delivered the goods here. It's not often I go to see a movie on opening night and rarer still that I am 100% satisfied. Can't wait for Chapter 3.


    Tricia Helfer? The new Canary isn't played by Tricia Helfer.

    Constance Wu is awesome but this role was cast in 2014, before she was a sitcom star. And I'm also guessing her TV work interferes with her availability to film a movie…Chris Pratt had to exit Parks for a while when he did Guardians.

    The big thing with the books is that magic is very difficult in this world. A good portion of the first half of the first book covers Quentin and friends struggling to learn magic and going through normal trials and tribulations. The Beast does show up, as he did in the pilot, but not until Quentin's second year at