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    I never even realized you could spoiler tag. Nice.

    (book spoilers and show spoilers based on interviews ahead)

    Alright, I accept this explanation.

    The only way this would work is if they got some combination of Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers, and Jimmy Fallon to do this.


    Great…I'm also from the Auburn Hills area and have lived there my whole life. I also worked at Chrysler for over three years in a capacity that allowed me to interact with the c-suite quite a bit. I know their culture and corporate structure very well as a result and really have a negative opinion of them representing

    As a person who grew up in the metro Detroit area, it bugs me a little that they chose Chrysler as the company they are pitching to in Detroit. Because FCA is actually headquartered in Auburn Hills about 45 minutes to a hour north of downtown Detroit.

    They might invest in them or work for them (not that either would be a reason why I would follow a corporation, just saying that could be it).

    IMO the best commercial by far was the Tide one with Terry Bradshaw. Not because it was the funniest (that was the one with Melissa McCarthy suffering for her environment for me) but because it was brilliant marketing execution.

    I thought she did a great job overall, a lot of halftime shows in recent years have relied on surprise appearances by other bands or singers and / or controversy and hers didn't. I especially liked when she said hi to her parents midway through.

    Yea but this isn't the comics, they are said to be in the 10th grade which means they are all either 15 or 16 unless they have been held back.

    I don't know if I agree with the show being worse off because it uses Archie characters. I think the show is off to a poor start because of plot and character decisions the writers made. I always thought the concept of the show could work if executed correctly.

    I would agree with that…Yahoo is just awful in every way conceivable including the comments. I don't even bother with them anymore.

    I feel like you're grasping at straws if what you are saying is I should read what AV Club offers and like it. To me, it's the same as someone telling a Trump basher to shut up because they shouldn't expect a president to cater to their individual demands.

    I feel like you mean that to be some sort of put down but I come to AV Club looking for articles on entertainment like that. I don't really come here to get the same sort of political diatribe that is on every other site I go to.

    You're right but it feels like there is an opportunity cost for each article like this. Meaning the more time AV Club spends on mindless Trump bashing (and again I don't mind when its insightful bashing), the less time they spend on other features / articles that we've grown accustomed to.

    I'll preface by saying I think Trump is crazy and a terrible president as not doing that seems to open me up to all sorts of accusations of being a pro-Trump guy.

    Whatever it is, the writers likely should have spent less time on episode titles given how poor the general writing has been so far.

    I feel like this reviews are overly generous. I've been writing my own for fun (not linking as I don't want to be accused of trying to self-promote as that is not my intent) and just don't think this show has been very good. I like teenage soap operas and this one just doesn't live up to the better ones in that genre

    I'm not saying he wins a second term, his first term is 2017-2020. OP is saying he will be president until 2018, next year, because he thinks Trump will get impeached as soon as the Senate swings blue.