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    If you're actually being realistic, he is going to be president until 2020. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Trump as president either but I don't really see a clear path for him to get impeached either when he is just essentially doing all the crazy shit he promised to do during his campaign.

    I don't hate the Patriots, I just don't root for them and would rather a team that hasn't won the Super Bowl win this game.

    ***continued spoilers for the entire book series***

    I'd be surprised if they couldn't find 16 viable newbies every year given in S11 they started out with 30+. I think the veterans just bring in better ratings.

    I mean yeah, it is. I assume you as well given your response to my reply.

    I continue to think the producers wanted to do another All-Star season but just couldn't find enough worthwhile chefs from past seasons to do it. I have no issues with final four having no rookies as none of the rookies outside of Sylva were really memorable. That includes Jamie who mostly gets attention because he

    So apparently what passes as news these days is a satirical entertainment site quoting a business site tweeting about a single person tweeting that she no longer will drink Budweiser because of a Super Bowl commercial she didn't like.

    He's saying articles like this take a handful of tweets and make it seem like the general public is taking some extreme stance. Like I highly doubt Budweiser's financials are going to show a significant drop in revenue due to this commercial.

    Meh…the Russos were best known for You, Me, and Dupree before they did their Captain America movies.

    Sinestro's on it.

    Really? I got FFVII on iOS last year and couldn't put it down until I finished it. Forgot how good the game was.

    Nice, everyone's invited to my bud-hole to watch S2!

    Do you guys think that Leo would have been in La La Land had he not won his Oscar last year? I already kind of miss desperate to win an Oscar Leo.

    I guess we'll see if she is or not after Beauty and the Beast.

    Yea…keeping relatively healthy doesn't guarantee you'll never need to go to the ER for health issues not related to getting blind-sided by a car.

    I always thought snowflake was a term used for sheltered people who act like they were told their opinion was the only one that matters in the world as kids. If that's the case, the term applies to both sides equally.

    You can fix the first part by just getting their mobile app, lets you order and pay for your coffee ahead of time so you can just go straight to picking it up.

    In my experience, the smaller coffee shops do just fine even with Starbucks in town because people are usually devoted to whatever coffee place they already love.

    Finally got to watching this and I'm sure no one will read this but I find it a bit of an odd coincidence that so many villains on AoS have family-related subplots. Just a few I can think of:

    I would bet strongly against Cheryl being the one who killed Jason given they made her the obvious suspect. If I had to bet on anyone, I'd bet on Mrs. Cooper who seems a bit unhinged and has a motive as well.