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    Just watched this (will admit, teenage soap operas are my guilty pleasure) - it was just OK. My biggest complaints would be:

    What do you mean by "constantly acting like a villain"? Do you mean his Shark Tank persona where he almost assuredly is asked to exaggerate his responses to people asking him for money to boost ratings? (EDIT: Found actual interviews from producers admitting they asked him to "act more evil" to sell the show). Or do

    Might just be me but I never enjoyed Robbie on this show…that may be because I hate gross out humor so didn't find his terrible gym injuries with all the blood funny at all.

    Really it's just one specific rule…the Golden Snitch is just worth too damn much. If she made it 50 points, would be awesome.

    Breaking Bad was like that too - I watched it when it aired and remember most of the fun was anticipating what could possibly come next and discussing episodes with friends. Seems like people who binge through it don't understand just how good the show was at keeping you on edge week to week.

    On one hand, I agree that the Oscars didn't do anything to deserve being linked to Trump…especially considering most of Hollywood is strongly against him. On the other, it seems sad and dumb but maybe a pop culture staple like the Oscars being impacted will make the average Joe actually give a shit about stuff like

    I would not trust my friends to not put something awful in front of me if I did that myself.

    Thank god Emily got eliminated…she simply was not as good a chef as the rest in the field nor was she ever fun to watch with her constant gloom and doom attitude. I kind of wonder if the producers of this show regretted not making this an All Star season…seems pretty clear they should never pair rookies against the

    GRRM is just a slow writer…I wrote this below but AFFC and ADOD were supposed to be one book which followed up ASOS. It took him eleven years to get out both of those so I never really expected TWOW to be out sooner than 5-6 years.

    Eh…I think most people don't acknowledge that AFFC and ADOD were originally supposed to be one book and GRRM took eleven years getting those out after ASOS. So TWOW not being out six years after ADOD isn't really that far off from his normal pace.

    I'm beginning to think Trump just has some sort of backdoor deal with SNL. He goes on the show during his run and then spends his time as president non-stop bashing it which as we all know just means more people are going to watch it to see what all the fuss is about.

    If someone tries to talk to me I'm not just going to ignore them. I won't pretend like it doesn't annoy me when I'm obviously trying to sleep or do something else and someone talks to me anyways but I still reply as politely as I can.

    I remember eating Dipping Dots when I visited NASA as an eight year old. That was over twenty years ago. So at the least, I think continuing to market it as "ice cream of the future" is dumb.

    Ditto, the headline is written poorly.

    Actually in S2, Tom wanted to disqualify all of the remaining chefs except for Marcel as he felt all of them were at fault for that incident. The producers stepped in so they wouldn't have to end the season with a default winner. That's something Tom publicly wrote about in his blog, link below:

    With Katsuji gone, I would rank the remaining chefs as below in order I'd like them to win:

    I mean fair…but the usual way it goes for me is:

    My point still stands as well. There was absolutely no reason to personally insult the OP to make your point unless you had some emotional response to what he posted.

    "Everything you wrote is unintelligent."

    Sounds like you deflect responses you can't respond to.