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    Last I checked, respect is something you earn, not something you expect. As for dignity, I'd like to see you accept a hug and kiss from someone you dislike and keep calm about it.

    If you look carefully, you can slowly see JK Rowling transforming into George Lucas.

    Likely it was obvious during actual filming that Katsuji was going home so the producers edited the episode to make it seem like John was going home instead to keep viewers on the edge. They do this a lot.

    I don't think they did - gross revenue does not all go to studios. They only keep 50-55% (approximately) and the rest goes to the theaters who air the movies. So making 161M on a 80M budget isn't good, it likely isn't even breaking even when you consider marketing cost which is on top of the budget.

    What do you mean no consequence? He's making low budget films and his name has been taken through the mud.

    #1 on my list would definitely be Batman Beyond done Godfather 2 style with the movie showing both Terry and Bruce as Batman and thematically connecting their individual plots.

    It's hard to make because neither of the first two movies did that well at the box office and del Toro has said he needs an even bigger budget to do the third one properly.

    M. Night is actually a terrific director, he just isn't a great screenwriter. So if he is just directing I don't see this as bad at all.

    Thanks for the reply - I read your post as well and agree with your points too. I just think Nintendo sorely needs new management. There is absolutely no reason they should be struggling with the first-party game library they have.

    Couple of obvious missteps with the launch. 1-2 Switch should have been packaged in and Nintendo should have ate the cost. I get they want to make a profit on every console sold but when you're coming off a product that barely sold and your competitors are selling their consoles at a loss, it's simply a bad move.

    "Because The A.V. Club knows that TV shows keep going even
    if we’re not writing at length about them, we’re experimenting with
    discussion posts. For certain shows, one of our TV writers will publish
    some brief thoughts about the latest episode, and open the comments for
    readers to share theirs."

    LOL…I don't need spreadsheets for basic calculations. You might though if you think pointing out that around 40% of the total gross nets 55% while the other 60% or so is less valuable makes my initial 50% estimate look worse.

    Here is what I do know:

    Yes but my point is one company having more R&D budget doesn't outweigh hundreds of companies having less budget / less room to work with because of that one company.

    I kind of doubt the showrunners knew this episode would be aired the day before MLK day so it seems a little ridiculous to aim that complaint at their feet. But it's just another day at AV Club where reviews are littered with comments either about how there aren't enough minorities or how minorities are being

    Subsidizes for who though? Only Turing benefits from more revenue from daraprim. Is that really a good thing when the rest of the industry is taking a financial beating because of their price hike?

    First off, I'm not an amateur accountant…I'm a professional accountant who works in consulting for Fortune 100 companies to help improve their finance and accounting processes.

    Gross doesn't really mean much in a vacuum though. If a studio spends $250M on production and $150M on marketing, they need to make $800M to break-even considering theaters take roughly a 50% cut of the gross.

    That isn't how the medical care business works…hospitals and insurance companies don't get large increases to their cost and simply foot it on behalf of their patients. They raise their fees and premiums to effectively pass the cost to their customers.

    RDJ has been in Tropic Thunder, The Soloist, two Sherlock Holmes movies, Due Date, and The Judge since he started as Iron Man in 2008. So I think he has done plenty in addition to his superhero roles…especially considering his career was kind of in the shitter before Iron Man.