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    I'm with you on Sudden Death Quickfires sucking.

    John did what every single chef should do in these team challenges, which is putting his own interests first. It's an individual competition through and through. The chefs who don't realize that and talk about doing what the team wants are usually the ones who lose.

    The general feeling I get from this show is that if it were allowed to run for 4-5 seasons, it would become great.

    Paul was obviously the Top Chef from episode one though…I know he has had some personal issues since and that sucks and only proves that you can't judge someone based on their TV personality, but he was fun to watch as a chef.

    To be fair, the challenge was to make comfort food healthy, the twist was it had to be vegetarian. I didn't see it as them saying vegetarian means healthy…I saw it as them saying making a vegetarian dish which resembles chicken fried steak that is healthy and tastes good is difficult.

    It sucked that Angelo was as sick as he was in that finale though…he clearly seemed like the most talented chef even if he was portrayed as an asshole.

    Well you kind of have to consider that despite being on a team, every chef on this show is on their own. Sleeping means they could potentially be blamed for something. So the question is, would you risk your status on the show on someone else doing everything 100% right while you slept? Or would you tough it out one

    I'm going to call you out here and it isn't personal…but in general I think people put too much stock in what they see on TV. You don't know any of the chefs on this show, all you know is what the producers want you to know about them. So to say "He certainly hasn't changed" is borderline ridiculous to me. Because

    Ah man I missed that entirely.

    I never said it was "the hardest thing ever," just that inserting a K-cup in a slot and waiting a minute was easier than brewing and cleaning a pot. I don't really do either these days though as I normally drink tea instead.

    I generally highly anticipate shows when they are high quality and haven't been on the air for quite some time. So Fargo, Better Call Saul, Silicon Valley and Master of None would all be at the top of my list (with Curb and Americans). Leftovers and Halt and Catch Fire I'll definitely watch as well. And of course Game

    I primarily brew outdoors while grilling or watching Netflix on a projection screen. Doesn't make the house smell and it's kind of a nice way to spend an afternoon.

    It actually was pretty cool IMO.

    This is a horrible idea. The whole reason Keurig works for coffee is because brewing coffee in a pot kind of sucks to do. Cracking open a can of beer, on the other hand, does not suck to do. If anything, it's much easier than watching beer slowly pour out of a Keurig machine into a cup you later have to wash.

    Who's the Jar Jar of BCS? Nacho?

    Better Call Saul is great, can't wait for it to return.

    But when will we get Master of None S2?

    Well Moore is the big bad so I'm kind of assuming the rest are just going to be glorified cameos to sidekick roles. Meaning much less commitment. So it could have worked better in her schedule.

    I don't mind Fast and Furious movies and think they're largely good as dumb, popcorn flicks. But they aren't movies I think about well before their release. It has always been more like "Oh, a new F&F movie? Maybe I'll go see it if I have time but either way that will make for a good watch on a plane ride at some

    Based on the casting it seems like they're going to ignore Colin Firth's death too.