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    Extra kudos to Disney for allowing the ending to play out as it did if this was the case. The entire cast biting it at the end is one of the main reasons the movie held weight for me.

    It's better than Rogue One showing Krennic meeting Vader after he wins a podrace on Tatooine.

    Is there a reason they made the entire map obnoxiously red? If they wanted to indicate this was relevant to Netflix, they could have just slapped a Netflix logo below Florida.

    I thought the same thing haha.

    You could say pretty much the same thing about Sherlock though. Both of them have very few acquaintances who aren't family or related to the cases they are working. I mean Sherlock's friends are pretty much the cops they work with, the guy who works at the morgue they visit all the time, and his ex-sponsor at AA who

    Critics watch pretty much every movie and already saw and reviewed Split. It's getting coverage because they all generally liked it.

    The one movie I am surprised is not on here is Kingsman: The Golden Circle. They brought back pretty much everyone while adding Julianne Moore, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, Pedro Pascal, and Jeff Bridges. I would be surprised if this wasn't as fun as the first one.

    Hard to say, wouldn't call it a success or failure for sure. But keep in mind:

    She has had multiple friends and nemeses in prior episodes…I assume they don't show more because they just don't show a lot of Holmes and Watson outside of when they're solving cases.

    "I’m not saying they had an Asian cop because they’d introduced two
    Asian abductees in a single episode and realized those optics, but they
    definitely did have all three of those people in this episode." - They also have an Asian lead…

    Now I kind of want to see this movie.

    Aaron Taylor-Johnson won an acting award? I didn't see Nocturnal Animals so not going to say he didn't deserve it, just really surprised given how average to awful he has been in everything else I've seen him in.

    A lot of people complain when Supernatural is renewed but I'm always elated. It's one of my favorite shows primarily because Sam and Dean are still fun to watch (as are Castiel and Crowley). I hope it keeps going beyond 13.

    FWIW, the CW is the only major network that I'll watch new shows on. I always wait until the second or third season if its CBS, FOX, ABC, or NBC as I have no real interest in getting into a show and watching it get cancelled prematurely.

    Live ratings are an unbelievably outdated metric though…I know I'm just one person but I barely watch anything live anymore with OnDemand and streaming options that fit my schedule better.

    Crazy Ex-Girlfriend got renewed because of the widespread critical acclaim it garners. If Frequency or No Tomorrow were being nominated for Emmys, they would likely be getting renewed too.

    She is honestly the only veteran that I didn't recognize at all…if they had called her a rookie I would have bought it.

    I would also bet on Brooke being fan favorite.

    I tried watching this show simply because I was a huge BMW fan as a kid and thought it would bring back some nostalgia but instead it kind of killed my nostalgia. The few episodes I watched were clearly Disneyified and every episode tried to tackle a serious issue in a very forced manner. It also didn't help that the

    Nah, you're just aging so fast now that years seem shorter and shorter. GMW started in 2014 according to wiki.