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    It didn't end up anything like RotJ. RotJ featured a detailed plan which, despite some hiccups, succeeded wildly with all of the main protagonists surviving. Rogue One featured a team desperately playing things by ear, barely succeeding but at the cost of all of their lives.

    I don't know…the producers go out of their way to find bad guys on Top Chef and I feel like if John ever slipped up, as most people who were pretending would, they would show it. He hasn't yet and I'm willing to give someone I've never personally met the benefit of the doubt.

    I was actually wondering how much additional footage the crew from Planet Earth II has ready to go. They spent the same amount of time as Planet Earth filming but ended up with half of the content. My assumption is they cut whatever didn't fit their "animals struggling to survive in difficult environments" theme.

    I'm excited for:

    Archie is essentially a long-running comic about a redhead teenager who has the two most beautiful girls in town fighting over him. That's all you need to know.

    Why don't you like John this season? He sucked in his original season but seems like a genuinely better dude this time around.

    Wouldn't be surprised if that happened…the script for Infinity War had like 70 characters in it from what the writers said.

    True nerds are the ones who watch all of the Star Wars, Star Trek, and superhero movies and complain about the inconsistencies with science or source material or whatever else.

    #4 - Make comedies funny again

    This sort of thing has made its way to Shark Tank more and more. I wish I counted the number of business owners who shed tears on that show by season, I would bet it grew a lot in the last two seasons.

    I don't really agree with that…the movie was fairly focused on Captain America and Bucky despite all of the other characters in it.

    I think Zemo was setup well for a return too, his plan may have been convoluted but Bruhl is a great actor who did a good job conveying Zemo's motivations.

    I think they can use Namor in team-up movies, his rights are tied up in the same way Hulk's are. But I don't know if it would work to introduce him as part of an intergalactic road trip movie.

    Eh…IMO it would have been a lot like RotJ when they plot to destroy the second Death Star if they went that route. I kind of liked seeing the crew fake it until they made it, so to speak.

    I thought it was a great movie. The writers were basically asked to write a story which took place in between the prequels and the recent animated shows and A New Hope and that left them with very little room to improvise. Yet they delivered a movie which, for the most part, was paced very well and introduced several

    I also posted late last night and wish I had chosen my words a bit better in retrospect. I will just say you seem like a good person to me and you should feel good about yourself for being one of the few reasonable, articulate, and genuinely nice people I've encountered online. If you ever want to just talk about

    What's funny to me is people accuse me of trying to represent more than my own opinion and than respond like you do…in a manner which definitively represents a much greater group of people.

    Well that is a very fair and reasonable point. And I certainly did not intend to come off as mean-spirited so if that is how it came across, I apologize for that.

    Of course I was expressing my own feelings…it is unbelievable how many times I have to confirm that what I post under my own username represents my own feelings. I never once pretended like I was representing a group bigger than me or anyone else.

    First off, your name should be Russian Guyovich with that picture.