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    I am literally not telling you or anyone else how to feel. Not did I ever act like it was a "fucking crime" for people to express themselves. You're reading into my post way too much if that is what you read.

    I won't argue that the show got sillier in later seasons but I liked some of the plot developments of those seasons. I liked Leslie getting recalled out of City Council and I liked Ron's plot with Diane. And I also kind of liked the "everyone loves each other but are still in funny situations" shows.

    Kind of a funny response from someone who is literally telling me not to feel how I feel about other people blaming everything on a calendar year…

    Well I hope you have a better 2017 then.

    Not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying grieve individual deaths as much as you need to but don't link them together to create a giant clusterfuck of misery. And try to focus on the good in your life instead of the bad. That's really it.

    Yet Trump isn't even actually the president yet in 2016…I mean if that's the whole reason people are pissed, shouldn't it be fuck 2017-2020?

    You're telling me to shut up too bud.

    The point is to tell people to stop piling everything bad into one big mountain of misery. One thing, Trump being elected, is not related to others, celebrities dying. I'm trying to get people to stop wallowing in their sorrow by telling them to stop focusing on all the negative and magnifying it the nth degree.

    I am not at all doing that and that should have been clear by my very first fucking sentence. I totally get grieving individual deaths and I am sad myself about Fisher and her mother along with Prince and George Michael. I am just sick and tired of lazy ass people blaming all their woes in life on a year that hasn't

    It's sad and I feel terrible for the family but I wish people talking about how terrible 2016 is would get over themselves and gain some perspective. Every year has its ups and downs, its births and deaths. It's just the nature of life. Best we can do is honor the memory of those who have passed and try to do better

    I don't understand the strategy behind Assassin's Creed at all. Why not make a movie for 20% of the budget which contrasts big blockbusters (like Sisters did last year) instead?

    I liked that as well - it's early but he would be in my top-three of chefs I am pulling for. Hard not to root for Brooke and Shirley who I liked a lot in their original seasons (I liked Casey too but don't really think any chef should get three seasons on the show so not too vested in her).

    I hated Love…couldn't finish it after getting halfway through. Thought the two leads were as unlikable as could be and it just wasn't a fun show to watch.

    I never read the comment as "spend your money ASAP" though…I read it as don't put off all the things you want to do into the undetermined future.

    I guess I'd wonder why…the point of movies aren't to resemble real life. Even stories about real people are usually fictionalized to make a better story.

    Going to echo every other comment here and say Katsuji did not come off as a good guy in this episode. I don't know if I would have been OK with receiving some of the barbs he sent Jon's way and then mocking Emily at the end was just ridiculous.

    So now bullying equates making fun of a band full of millionaires that you don't like?

    Fuck this guy…I fly every week and I have brown skin. I have never once encountered racism or bias. This guy basically goes into flights and tries to provoke people into being scared and I hope delta just bans him for life.

    Why does this warrant news? Everything on hbo is ondemand so a marathon literally means nothing

    I will preface this by saying I don't know how I would have improved it but IMO the marketing for the movie was terrible. I only saw it months after release because a friend raved about it to me. The trailers did not make me think it would be as good as it was.