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    Good looking movie but the story didn't really scream best movie of the year to me.

    "The Nice Guys"?

    Based on Ken Leung being in TFA, we can safely assume more Asians exist in the galaxy.

    Just about everyone in this movie dies…

    What does one have to do with the other? Elementary has been covered here for years…

    I came here to make an argument for Hell or High Water as 1 and realized I haven't seen most movies on this list. So going to start catching up before I decide on my top ten. Starting with Everybody Wants Some today.

    You should really watch Hell or High Water. I would bet it shoots up your list if you do.

    I'm about to watch this on my flight this morning, this comment makes me excited for it.

    The Nice Guys would have made my top-twenty for sure.

    I've seen a million trailers for this and it has always looked like it will be terrible. Just seems like an incredibly lazy attempt to cash in on the big box office returns other animated movies have had lately.

    Playing Primordia on my iPad right now - fantastic adventure game that I never knew about.

    To the point of the article though, each of those levels have various paths and ways to finish and there are numerous goals to get through. And as you progress more, you unlock other characters who play different from Mario and likely will go through those levels again.

    I had the same thought. Or at least split the first three worlds into a $5 package to get people hooked.

    I think everyone has a right to defend themselves when they are specifically called out. And I don't really agree that a studio casting the Ancient One as Celtic instead of Tibetan is racism on Tilda Swinton's part if that is what you are saying.

    ? Michael Sheen is not Martin Sheen's son.

    I never said anything about it being a PR stunt or that Cho misrepresented her feelings on the matter. I thought the way she portrayed the conversation was very one-sided and she intentionally left out context in some cases which made Swinton come across looking worse. For example, she mentions that the conversation

    My understanding is that it is correct to use either term (actor or actress), but if for whatever reason you prefer me to use actor I have no real problem with it.

    What are you talking about? Cho went on to a podcast that anyone could listen to and misrepresented her actual conversation with Tilda. Tilda found out because the media DID pick up Cho's comments and make a big deal out of it. She then decided to release the entirety of their e-mail chain without adding any

    I never said anything about the validity of Cho's anger…she took a private conversation and clearly misrepresented it, likely in an effort to get other people angry and on her side. That is the garbage person move.

    This is a conversation Tilda herself initiated…she specifically mentioned wanting to talk about Dr. Strange in her original e-mail. I don't see how you can say that talking about a specific role in Dr. Strange wasn't the point when that is clearly why she e-mailed Cho.