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    Can we instead just stop pretending it's hard to keep track of three versions of Spider-Man?

    Let me correct you in what seems to be a misconception about my OP…I am a huge fan of Halt and Catch Fire and I very much enjoyed the entirety of S3. I was never saying that I thought Donna's personality ruined the show for me, I was just saying I disagreed with the reviewer's assessment of Donna's role in the

    So anytime anyone slightly desecrates something which is considered sacred by others, the internet has an issue now? Hindus hold cows as sacred…so should we all start bitching about celebrities eating burgers now?

    Every season there is someone who says they didn't feel able to speak up about cooking what they wanted in a team competition and every season that person is eliminated. TC needs to stop tipping their hand with their interviews so much.

    The Arrow-verse, in general, needs to stop doing the cliffhanger of "let's not tell the others this secret ever" and then in the very next episode have that secret revealed. It is incredibly stupid.

    I just rewatched Hell or High Water on a flight earlier this week - it
    was just as enjoyable the second time as it was the first. I think the opening scene is better than the epilogue as it manages to set up the plot of the movie while also establishing the personalities of the two main characters even before they

    People always complain about this but they always also ignore that a shit ton of movies get made every year and only a handful of those are big-budget blockbusters. There are plenty of smaller, indie films with very original stories that you can go find if you wanted.

    That's because the first half of their seasons are always shorter than the second half so the latter has more fluff. They really should start splitting their seasons into three parts if they keep getting full orders.

    I've thought the effects have been pretty good personally and that this is the best portrayal of Ghost Rider in live-action we've ever had. Why not watch for yourself?

    Agreed. AoS splits their seasons into two distinct parts with separate, yet related, threats. And so their mid-season finales work because you see (spoilers) villains like Daniel Whitehall, Ward, and Morrow brought to justice while a bigger threat is shown to be looming.

    I personally think Game of Thrones first four seasons are outstanding but even if I go with your opinion, 1 season of GoT being great certainly equates it with 1 season of Westworld being good (IMO) to great (in others opinion).

    I'm still watching VB 13 years later and look for news on it regularly so disagree. If you have a quality show people will return in droves.

    I respect your opinion but personally I wouldn't put Westworld in my top-five of top-crafted shows of recent history. I think Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, the early seasons of Game of Thrones, and Fargo are / were all better at putting together cohesive season-long stories. And I don't think it is unfair

    I'll agree that the Ford twist was cool but the finale and the season as a whole left me a bit disappointed. Felix not being a host means he really was a dumb human all along, they never even bothered to give him a motivation for helping Maeve escape. And how in the world did Ford setup his beach event? It relied on

    IMO it's all relative…DD S2 and LC both ended disappointingly but both had great highlights and were overall good watches. People just have their standards sky high with the MCU.

    I'd be fine with that, especially if it means we get more seasons a year.

    I would agree with this, ten episodes a season would be enough for all of these Marvel Netflix shows. I'm glad Defenders will only be eight episodes.

    I was really hoping they would combine Luke Cage's and Iron Fist's second seasons into one Heroes for Hire season and use the open slot for Moon Knight. Also wouldn't mind seeing more of Ghost Rider on Netflix if AoS is on its last legs. I've really enjoyed his portrayal on that show this year.

    You're right bro…we all enter an electronic music show thinking, "I might die tonight."

    I'm fairly sure Barry introduced her as an alien and I also remember scenes where Mick saw her flying and using x-ray vision.