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    Just going to point out that Mick says "Talkin to an alien…that's a first" precisely two episodes after talking to Supergirl.

    Do you not have the ability to post all of your individual thoughts in one post?

    Eh…I like Top Chef more when it focuses on the cooking. Jen was good for a while but I think they've overused her (she was in that Life After Top Chef show too) and now she'd dominate the show too much.

    So Casey is competing for a third time? Kind of feels like they should have been able to find another returning contestant who hasn't had two shots already.

    I too am annoyed by that second observation because it continues a troubling trend of AV Club reviews insinuating that minority characters aren't being treated fairly simply because they are treated like any other character.

    I think X-Men: First Class proved that Vaughn was a great choice to direct superhero movies. Shame he only has done the one (EDIT: Just realized he also did Kick-Ass so that would make two).

    While I appreciate the Person of Interest comparison I don't really agree. The Machine was a top-secret project that was hidden from the general public and Harold was portrayed as a much bigger recluse than Arnold has been - most people didn't even know he existed on POI much less was ever involved with the Machine.

    I'm not even sure it's the funniest death by bees scene in cinema history.

    My friend pointed this out but why in gods name would they make the safe empty? What if some tourists went to go reclaim the safe?

    Elsie was still never shown as dead. Maybe I'm the guy with a tinfoil hat on here but I bet Bernard didn't finish killing her.

    All I know is there is zero chance everything played up this season will be resolved in one episode next week and I'm already not looking forward to the wait between seasons.

    "However, he turned out to be a shithead and we are no longer friends."

    I would disagree…you're basically describing quintessential sitcom plots and they're funny because they are ridiculous. I have no issues watching the occasional HIMYM episode again. They're still good in my book.

    Thanks Guybrush!

    Walt wasn't really a sympathetic character and I don't think he was ever intended to be one. But he was still a character you could understand without directly relating to. He was a 50 year old guy who basically got a second chance to be the best at something and took it.

    I feel like I had this same argument once before but I'll make my point again - being a good lawyer for spurts isn't enough to make Jimmy a good lawyer overall. He could be a great lawyer but it goes against his true nature. And his true nature isn't bad or anything, it just isn't suitable for a job that requires you

    Yea but the reason he never did quit was because he felt most alive selling meth. The show did a great job giving viewers an insight into Walt's psyche without over-exposition.

    Totally disagree here - to me the quintessential binge recommendation is one where you can say "if you don't pay attention for half of it, don't worry." And that is true of Fringe. You can watch it right before you to bed or as you are doing something else because the larger themes and plots matter more than the

    I disagree with this….the main reason I loved BB is every decisions Walt and Jesse made were understandable. Meaning I understood why they made them. Walt made many of his moves to satisfy his ego. The tragedy, of course, is that he could have lived a great life without making many of them. But it doesn't take away

    You mean you've never seen the last season of The Wire? It isn't the best season but you should definitely finish it. If you can't figure out why you aren't watching it, just watch it.