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    The thing is…Jimmy is never a "good" lawyer. You can argue he is a good person but from the very beginning he does things that a person following the letter of the law would not do.

    In general I hate that we get no retro TV reviews anymore. It was the main reason I first started coming to this site.

    "Keith reveals his intensity about his work extends to Dory, whom he describes as stunning (we all do)."

    I would rewatch just about any show I watched and really enjoyed…my issue is just that I don't have time to do it. There is so much great TV that I am either in the middle of or haven't had the chance to start yet that it would never make sense to spend time rewatching something in the limited time I have to watch TV

    See I have never bought that people are going to "burn out" on superhero movies because a) people have literally been saying that's going to happen for years now and b) to me it's like saying people are going to burn out on summer blockbusters.

    Let me fix this list and recommend Person of Interest above all else.

    You say that now yet when the hype is built for Avengers 4 over three years I bet you'll change your mind.

    I used to like Parker Posey in these types of roles but she's just kind of annoying now. Why am I still watching this show?

    I posted this on another site but it is incredibly dumb that they didn't give these wines Game of Thrones specific names. How hard would it have been to call the "Red Wine" something like "Dornish Red Wine" instead? Or calling Chardonnay "Arbor Gold Chardonnay"?

    I doubt Disney is going to put the time and effort into another solo Hulk movie that they have to share revenue with Universal on unless they absolutely have to.

    I fully expect the next Avengers to have a very different looking roster which is similar to how the comic book team evolves. But I would bet people still pay to come see a team that looks like Ant-Man, Wasp, Spider-Man, War Machine, Falcon, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Hulk.

    Fuck me…now I just finished the fourth episode. How in gods name does Dory have any fucking friends? She is an awful human being.

    Masters of Evil? I mean we already have Zemo at-large and Scurge is going to be in Thor 3.

    I just disagree…unless Marvel movies stop making money, Disney isn't going to change the winning formula they have. That includes Avenger movies.

    I'm going to try to get through this but man, I really hate most of the characters. Dory is unbearable. I really can't stand characters (or people) who have no self-awareness. Like going to a grieving mother and making a claim that her daughter is still alive is just idiotic.

    The one thing Marvel does a tremendous job with is casting and that alone would make their Doctor Doom way better than the two Fox has trotted out.

    I think we're definitely getting a Phase 4. Even if Evans and RDJ move on, they still have War Machine, Falcon, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Hulk, Thor, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Captain Marvel, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man. Likely others I am forgetting

    It isn't just Doctor Doom…Fox also has Galactus, Apocalypse, Magneto, and quite possibly Kang. And the worst part about it is aside from Magneto, they've done a horrible job adapting the major villains they have.

    To me seems pretty obvious that this is the most desperate attempt to stay in public attention, good or bad, of all time.

    He was great in Fargo season 1. Haven't liked him in much else but can't imagine anyone else as Malvo.