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    My years of watching TV is telling me Elsie is likely still alive.

    Is Mortal Kombat: Legacy still going to have a third season? I enjoyed the first two for the most part, especially Scorpion vs Sub-Zero.

    If we're counting animated movies, I really enjoyed the Final Fantasy 7 one. Professor Layton had a pretty good animated tie-in movie as well.

    I've watched just about everything she is in and I just don't think she is a very good actress. She is OK in Game of Thrones, was plain miscast as Sarah Connor in Terminator, and fairly terrible in Me Before You. So not too excited about this personally.

    I guess it varies city by city but in my area, a local chain with multiple locations really pushed the bar for what is expected from movie theaters and the AMCs stepped up to match them for the most part.

    Nah I also only see 2D…I don't like 3D at all.

    I just don't agree. Every theater by me has replaced the old uncomfortable seats with awesome recliners. A lot of them will let you order actual food and will have a server bring it to your seat when it is ready so you don't have to miss part of the show. All of them serve alcohol at comparable prices to bars ($8.50

    Maybe it just varies city to city. I went to go see Dr. Strange the day after it came out a few weeks ago and every show until 11 pm was sold out. I bought tickets for the next day online and a friend who decided to join late was unable to find another one two hours before on Sunday.

    I bought NMS, played it for around 15-20 hours before the core gameplay got boring, and stopped playing it after that. It sucks that the game didn't live up to expectations but it isn't really something I particularly care about now.

    Gotta be honest…I have never understood people who buy a large popcorn that should feed a group of eight and finish it and then want more enough to get up and miss a few minutes of the two-hour movie they went to go see. So I'm not really jumping on board your campaign.

    It makes sense, every blockbuster movie that comes out these days seems to sell out local theaters. If you don't buy tickets a half-day in advance, you're likely not going to be able to see what you want to see. So if demand is that high, why not take advantage of it? Most people probably will pay an extra $2-3

    Did you mean to write a number larger than $10? Because waiting six months to see a movie I want to see to save $10 isn't really a decision I would ever make.

    What am I missing here? Lindsey and Paul had sex in S2 once and he definitely used a condom. The show hasn't shied from showing Lindsey having sex regularly so it is a safe assumption she has relationships outside of that encounter. She gets pregnant and Paul buys into an implausible scenario that it is his because he

    I can't be the only person who assumed Lindsey got pregnant from one of the random guys she had unprotected sex with and not from turkey basting herself…can I?

    Well first off, Frequency was not meant to have 22 episodes in its first season either given it never had 22 episodes ordered and the CW had a number of mid-season shows everyone knew about it.

    I wouldn't write the show off yet…the CW has openly talked about wanting their original content to air throughout the year and to not be limited by traditional TV schedules. They renew a lot of their shows because they are filling twelve months of time slots. iZombie only had a 13 episode first season and is going to

    like….Mad Men?

    How is the Pokemon Snap-esque minigame?

    What about LOTR hasn't held up? They're a bit long and some of the green screen scenes don't look great, but they're still terrific movies.

    My favorite thing is when McGonagall uses that spell to wake all of the stone guardians of Hogwarts and expresses satisfaction in finally being able to do that. I don't believe that was in the books and it was such a fun moment in an otherwise downer of a movie.