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    Why would it be a miniseries instead of just a series?

    "Why aren’t the eight movies constantly on cable"

    Agree with all of this. It was kind of unbelievable that they split the movie into two parts and yet still dropped critical parts of the books.

    I can't really fault Paul for being an asshole…Lindsey ruined his relationship in S2 by pretending that her baby was his and then stabbed him, cucked him, and announced she had aborted that baby and was divorcing him (don't have a problem with her making that choice for herself, just the way she went about telling

    No one liked Guardians of the Galaxy really either…all it takes is a good adaption.

    I mean the obvious example to give is Romeo and Juliet…Shakespeare reveals that the two are going to die at the very beginning of the play. It doesn't take away from the story at all though.

    I mean that's your opinion but in mine, it was damn impressive that they got the entirety of the original cast back for the WHAS show. It was impressive that the show was still largely funny and it seemed like the general critical consensus was high for the show. Compared to every other attempt to revive IP which

    You rang?

    1. Better Call Saul is fucking awesome - people are going to be racing to binge through it in two years just like with Breaking Bad and many will probably pretend like they were watching it live the whole time. Critics love it too BTW.

    I'm fine leaving the argument but I would ask you how you are gauging general audience response. Are you looking at user scores for the episode? Are you reading through comments and getting a consensus?

    I made a similar resolution and lasted seven months until I went golfing with some friends and they all insisted on T-Bell afterwards. Gave in to peer pressure I guess.

    Yes I would likely have less to no beef but in an effort to stop you from turning that around on me without understanding my full point, I'm going to say that storytelling, in general, hinges a lot on execution to me. To tease "Flashpoint" for months and then do something as average as what they did was bad execution

    I have seen Flashpoint the animated movie and it's great. I had no expectations of seeing anything at that scale on the CW. I did think I'd see something that involved a bigger part of their cast of heroes and villains though. What they did was so lame compared to that original story that I wish they had never called

    I will preface by saying I personally really did not care one bit for Vandal Savage. I thought the CW did a horrible job with Vandal Savage. I don't even think they should call him Vandal Savage as really they took the DC character Hath-Set's background and relationship with Hawkman / Hawkgirl, gave him immortality,

    I would have been fine with this - especially given that the Flash missed an episode this week due to the election (something that the showrunners and network should have been able to anticipate).

    Lets stop speaking for "fans" as a whole and just speaking for ourselves - OK? I don't like having "fans" thrown in my face as it seems like you are trying to say I am not one. I would not be debating these shows online if I didn't like them as a whole. And I don't know every other fan of the show so I'm not going to

    First of all, let me say I am an Arrow fan. I have watched the show since it first started airing and have watched just about every episode live. I have gotten a lot of my friends into the show as well. So I don't understand why, as part of your argument, I am being segregated from "Arrow fans." I wouldn't be wasting

    Again I disagree. Flashpoint is primarily a Flash story, sure, but the most touching part of the original story comes from Flash delivering a note from alternate Thomas Wayne to Bruce at the end. It easily could have been an awesome crossover event that helped kick off Arrow's primary plot without being disruptive.

    You really don't get what I am saying. Arrow isn't "catering" to the Flash…it is a part of the Flash. The two shows have a crossover event every year and characters from shows have shown up in episodes of both at random. It isn't unreasonable for me to expect that Flash developments impact Arrow and vice versa because

    Am I the only one who didn't find the trailers for the first movie the slightest bit interesting?