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    IMO being a part of a shared universe should make the shows beholden to each other. I feel like a lot of us give professional fiction writers a pass for just being lazy. Because that is what them writing as if they can't integrate developments in other, connected shows is to me.

    And that's different from his normal reality…how?

    Well OK…but what is even the point of having Arrow and Flash in the same universe then? IMO they should have never made a connected universe because they have neither the talent or commitment to make it work. And it is super lame when they don't bother explaining why an event on one show doesn't impact the other, or

    So you're just going to completely disregard that just about every major college has a football program that is followed as passionately, if not more so, as NFL teams then?

    I didn't like that either, especially since Cisco got over his depression in one episode and is now basically the same goofy character from the first two seasons.

    My main issues with Flashpoint were:

    So you've never seen a dad take his kids to a game to spend quality time with them? You've never seen a guy with too much food offer some to those who came without? You've never seen strangers tossing around a football or playing bags? You've never seen little kids walking around selling cookies or candy for Boy

    I can completely buy that…some college coaches work 18-20 hours a day during the season and spend days watching tape and coming up with strategy. It is entirely believable that they would forget about important events, heck even forget what day of the week it was.

    You focus on the worst of the worst you see and reach the conclusion that all NFL fans are terrible. Nice work on stereotyping millions of people bud.

    Didn't help that they cast two terrible actors as the Hawk people.

    It fits right in the Palmer of your hand.

    Yea I agree…given how few shits the CWverse gave about Flashpoint, I kind of doubt the showrunners on Arrow will do anything meaningful with Dahrk now. Kind of makes me wonder if it was ever a good idea to do a connected universe given it seemed to really derail Arrow.

    All of the CW superhero shows have been good this year but hard to overlook how terrible the execution of Flashpoint was.

    I like Arrow but it isn't a show I can binge personally. I get kind of tired of the CW superhero shows after two episodes in a row in general (I travel for work so usually catch up on all of them on Friday and can't get through all four in one sitting ever).

    Unbelievable…Arrow is pulling the exact same "try to trick audience" end that they did in S3 when Roy had dreams of killing "Sara." Quentin is so obviously not going to be Prometheus because it would be unbelievably lame if he was…because likely it would be because he's being possessed or mind-controlled like Thea in

    The Magicians S1 was fun to watch but nowhere near as good as the books. They were in such a hurry to get to Fillory that they rushed through a large portion of Quentin and his friends being in school.

    How is that generic professional sports example a hockey specific analogy?

    People likely will overreact to the no punching thing but the 90s Spider-Man animated series had a no punching rule too and was still awesome.

    It's not a "promise"…it's a contract. The purpose of the contract is to control his salary for his first six appearances. Marvel and Sony could easily put him in more movies or decide to use him in less.

    This has more the feel of Biff Tannen level shenanigans.