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    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Hogwarts: The Legend of Dumbledore: Part One The Threat of Gellert Grindelwald

    Holy shit. YEEEEESSSSSSS

    Why the hell would I want challenges in my viewing? I go to movies for dumb entertainment after I get out of my challenging job.

    I didn't really care for it but that aside, my point was more that was the moment when I thought zombies were overused in media.

    World War Z came out in June of 2013. Warm Bodies, a romantic drama featuring a living woman falling in love with a zombie man, came out in January of 2013. So I would say the latter killed zombies more than the former.

    Yes they clearly are a part of it, my point was a player should still be able to speak up and say they don't feel right after that.

    Yes but that is why the NFL has concussion protocols and clearance to return. Obviously the doctors should clear players to play, after that a player should still be able to speak up if he doesn't feel right. Either way, a guy watching from his couch, even a former player, shouldn't armchair critique a player's

    I think LoT has actually been the best CW show this year - they finally got the tone right and a time travel show that is fun to watch is a real treat. But yes Arrow has been good as well.

    Finally caught up on Arrow and have really enjoyed this season. The first four episodes have convinced me this is a show to watch as close to live as possible again. It also confirms what I always thought, that Arrow was never a show that was intended to belong in a universe with metahumans, magic, and so on. It is

    Not saying I'm an expert on this but my impression has always been you can be fired for any non-discriminatory reason if you are an at-will employee. Your boss can fire you if they just plain don't like you, so I'm sure they could, and in many cases would, fire you if you were publicly arrested for some sort of

    Joe Namath, and every other person commenting on a severity of an injury based on watching TV is an idiot. Athletes should decide for themselves when they are good to play, especially in a league where they can be cut at anytime.

    Haha didn't even see who it was but yes I remember Sava bitching non-stop about Marvel shows mistreating black characters last season because they were constantly in danger. Nevermind that literally every character on a show like AoS has been dead or near-dead at some point.

    LOL yea I read that and was like what? Kevin and his sister are of Thai descent and were born and raised in America. As someone who is of Indian descent and was born and raised in America, I would say odds are high that they aren't aware of feudal Japanese culture anymore than the next person.

    "Along with a pre-existing plan to start selling burgers, Chipotle might also start making pizza, because why not."

    He committed suicide actually…I read about it when it happened, pretty sad. TFJJ was great.

    Personally I use a drop or two of the extract of a ghost pepper in mine but am very careful about putting too much in and always try before adding anything else.

    $160 for any headphone Apple puts out is ridiculous…go buy something better if you are willing to spend on headphones.

    Apple headphones have historically been terrible with garbage sound quality. They are now releasing wireless versions of those headphones, which just about everyone agrees will easily be lost by people using them, at a $160 price point.

    God Particle: A Cloverfield Story

    The plot of this movie is "A team of astronauts aboard a space station find themselves alone after a scientific experiment causes Earth to disappear. When a space shuttle appears, the space station crew must determine if they are friend or foe."