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    I can handle a British accent, doesn't mean I don't still prefer Weaver's voice.

    What's bizarre about it? The Weinsteins clearly allow him to make whatever the hell he wants on his own timeline. QT doesn't seem to have ambitions of getting the biggest payday or anything either.

    To each their own but I loved Kill Bill and have thought both Django and Hateful Eight are considerably worse movies (especially the latter which I just plain did not enjoy).

    You're oversimplifying the problems the show has had a bit. I wouldn't mind at all if the show deviated from the comics if the writing was good. But most often, the parts unique to the show (Governor first time around, Beth in hospital, so on) are the sloppiest and worst written parts of the show.

    I actually really disagree with your first statement…I found Lori's early demise way more unexpected than Glenn and Abraham's. Again, while I didn't expect them to die in the same episode, I always thought both were marked for death given I've read the comics.

    Not really and they've done the former before as well. T-Dog and Lori die in the same episode.

    OK we can move on - I agree with your point that it was the overall writing of the show.

    To me it sounds like you're saying last season's cliffhanger ending lowered your expectations so far that you were just happy that they delivered the gory death straight of the comics you had wanted to see months ago. The two for one thing is whatever because Abraham dies in the comics in the issue before Glenn does

    My OP was mocking the tone and structure of your OP lol.

    First off, I never said anything about your OP being "hostile" - your words, not mine.

    I bash TWD writers as much as anyone but c'mon man…you really think the writers didn't have this script written until that episode of Mr. Robot aired a few weeks ago? This episode was probably filmed by then…

    Your first paragraph indicates this episode made up for the terrible cliffhanger from S6 and then your second paragraph reaffirms the terribleness of that cliffhanger…

    No kidding - I need John Winchester to return to Supernatural before that show ends. I mean it isn't urgent or anything, JDM has probably got like eight more years to find some time in his schedule.

    Funny, I was kind of wondering how show fans would spin the show taking a popular comic book moment and turning it into a cliffhanger to make fans wait months to find out the same character they expected to die died. Apparently attacking reviewers for pointing out how lame that is was the answer.

    That isn't at all what the review says and you should maybe do some research on the terrible things that Leslie Jones has had to go through over the past few months. Being hacked, having nude pictures released of you, and being constantly compared to a dead gorilla is a good reason to be salty with internet assholes.

    "You know that new sound you're looking for? Well listen to THIS!"

    I think the season as a whole has shown Donna putting her family on the backburner - I wasn't really referring to the specific events of this episode in my OP.

    It's also possible she is just trying to get in a position where the team will have to welcome her back in. It'll be interesting in any case how the show approaches next season.

    IMO #6 has already happened and based on the show's history it's more likely S4 is a redemption arc for Donna. If they did it for Joe, they'll do it for Donna.

    I think the way Donna felt was justified, her role in Cameron leaving was not.