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    Yes what's great about the show is you understand why Donna does what she does and I'm definitely judging her based on her actions.

    Yea I don't mean to keep bringing it up but it seems like every review lately talks about it.

    The way I remember it, Cameron came around on the IPO but wanted to make changes to make the company as valuable as possible. She gave loose notes to Donna and Donna told her they would have a discussion after she reviewed. Instead, Donna took the notes to Diane calling them Cameron's manifesto to paint her as crazy

    Jesus…I wish I could openly debate the whole opinion of Donna being justified in her actions. She's been the show's biggest antagonist this entire season. She is as pig-headed as Cameron yet doesn't get bashed for it because she is more well-versed in the business world. She single-handedly ruined Mutiny because of

    Wake me up when we have space-traversing dinosaurs in Jurassic Galaxy.

    Ah sorry…hopefully I didn't spoil anything.

    That's fair but my point still stands…shows which have cult followings like Arrested Development are generally ones that the public ignored when they first aired so they feel new when you discover them on a streaming service. Scrubs would not feel new in any way to a lot of people and thus seems unlikely to become as

    Donna also seems like hell to work with…she seems to simultaneously have a superiority complex (as she disregards most of Cameron's concerns from a business perspective) and an inferiority complex (as she is concerned she isn't taken seriously and thus makes executive decisions she shouldn't be making).

    Wow…this is very unexpected and just plain awesome. I've knocked AMC quite a bit for their overcapitalizing of TWD but if they are using that sweet zombie money to keep shows like Halt and Catch Fire alive, no more complaints from me. Really thought this would be the end based on the incredibly low ratings.

    He is definitely necessary - binge fast.

    Saying nobody wants it is pretty dumb IMO…clearly people do want it based on box offices. I mean if you think about it, what's a better family movie than a live-action version of a Disney classic that parents likely grew up with? It's pretty much the perfect formula for a holiday family movie.

    The real question is how long until Disney runs out of animated classics to remake as live-action films and starts remaking live-action films as animated classics?

    I disagree. For one, Scrubs was much, much more popular than Arrested Development when it aired. There's a reason it got nine seasons.

    Holy cow…after reading this article I looked into Scrubs again on Wikipedia and realized that Lucy (the new JD in the last season) was played by Kerry Bishe. So the new cast had Bishe, Coupe, and Franco and somehow still sucked a lot. Shame - that would have been a fun cast to watch together.

    I was just giving a viable way she could know to reply to the OP. She could have found out months or years ago about a potential crossover.

    Well she was married to the director of the original Underworld who produced the others in the series…guessing he would have told her if they were trying to integrate Blade in given she stars in the movies.

    Anyone who thinks YTW isn't funny anymore - see the scene where Paul goes to take a dump in what appears to be a prison, then is next seen laying on the floor on the other side of the wall with his pants still down as if he was sent flying off the toilet seat right before Jimmy and gang found their way in.

    I really don't get why anything matters outside of this being an excellent episode of television? Why do TV shows have to fit into one box?

    Getting that Tony will be an interesting adventure for them.

    I think the price has more to do with the cities. In Michigan we have theaters that offer the exact same services but tickets are still the normal $10 or so.