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    OK fine but also remember that the only reason Mutiny had a deal with Diane in the first place was because Cam bribed Donna's daughter to ensure she would be at their house to sweet talk. I feel like that gets overlooked when everything business-wise is contributed to Donna, who gave up on Diane immediately because

    I don't really agree that Cameron's gambit was very childish. How would you react if you found out that your friend and partner had been scheming behind your back to take control of the company you founded? I mean why stick around if you are going to be treated like that?

    What I never understood is why Gordon didn't tell Donna he came into $2.5M from Joe's actions. Because that would kind of negate any need to make money for personal reasons.

    I dunno if Donna was the reason Gordon was where he was in S1. Gordon had a very public failure with Symphony and had to abandon his dreams to take a desk job - he was drinking to get through his life and ignoring his wife and kids when we were first introduced to him. I can't really give him a pass on that and blame

    I mean I kind of assumed people excuse Donna's behavior because on some level they can relate to her more than Cameron. At the same time, it still beguiles me that people don't see how terrible her actions truly have been. Maybe it's because the show itself has spent more time showing Donna's perspective and actions

    I don't know what company you work at but as someone in consulting, I have worked for a dozen plus clients and have been in situations where there have been disagreements. That includes being a part of yelling matches in meetings. Never has someone gone behind my back to poison the decision makers against me. We

    I'm not calling Donna evil or anything…when I say villain I pretty much mean she has been the cause of the primary conflict on the show this season. I agree both Donna and Cameron's personality issues contributed to their splinter, but after that splinter Donna is the one who escalated things by involving Diana and

    I agree they are both in the wrong but the actions Donna took put her at a lower rung to me. She didn't just clash and not listen to Cameron, she actively poisoned the relationship by trying to seize power to fulfill an inferiority complex she has.

    I literally listed three examples where Cameron did listen to Donna. I'm not arguing she isn't a little arrogant and pigheaded but when given time, she has come around to genuinely good ideas.

    Donna never bothered to try to make a valid counterargument to Cam or to let Cam think about doing the IPO sooner. She saw Cam's timeline and list of changes, stammered a bit, then went to Diana's to badmouth Cam before ever doing what she told Cam she'd actually do (review her list of changes and get back to her with

    I think Joe has learned since S1 a bit but yes he is still a dick. Donna has become equivalent to him and thus is also a dick in my book. And thus I don't really agree with reviews that talk about the show doing a great job at not portraying her moves as villainous. Because I think if you really analyze how she has

    Joe was a villain, IMO, in S1 - he manipulated and controlled other people for his own personal gain. And Donna never gave Cam a chance to negotiate. After Cam gave her the notes she put together, Donna went to Diana and referred to it as her "manifesto" which as I said in last week's review is a term you only use

    This is where I disagree with AV Club reviews - I think Donna is an out and out villain here.

    I don't agree with needing a more aggressive timeline - I believe in taking the time to do what is right. I work as in IT consulting and over the years, it is clear that the clients who are patient and willing to lay a foundation before launching their products are the ones who are most successful.

    Well to clear up what seems to be some confusion, Donna didn't want to accept CompuServe's deal - she wanted to use it as leverage to go public. Which would mean selling a large percentage of the company to the public to raise money to use for business overhead.

    Wow…I've never disagreed with a character assessment more. Cameron is hot-headed, sure, but time and time again she has proven that with time, she is able to come around and accept genuinely good ideas. She did that with chat in S2, she did it with credit cards as you mentioned, and she even comes around on the IPO in

    Exactly…going for an IPO before you need to just to secure your current valuation seems like as short-sighted of a move as you could possibly make. I honestly have found Donna insufferable this season.

    I don't really agree that Donna was right, I posted about it a bit more at length above but her motivation seems to be purely based on having financial security. Only Mutiny really shouldn't need that after securing an investor in Diana and having a successful product. I don't think Donna really ever assesses the

    I liked the episode a lot but the problem for me is it seems like you'd have to accept that Donna was right for wanting to IPO to see both sides. And I just don't agree she was right. I mean what did Mutiny really need the money for? Everything Donna talked about was all the nice-to-have features they could now

    "The Ocean’s Eight cast was rounded out this summer with the addition of Sarah Paulson to an ensemble that already included Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, and of course, Kaling."