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    Well granted I don't know anything about offerings in Canada, but did you try your local library? Many offer free movie rentals and the one by me has an impressive collection, especially if you're looking for older movies.

    Jesus Cutco…when I was 18, I went to go "interview" for a position at Cutco, not knowing what it was. Ran into two friends at the session I went to and waited for a hour watching Ferris Bueller until a manager came in. She proceeded to tell us that only one of us would get the job after individual interviews.

    I don't really agree with that. HBO has more original shows in total, sure, but that is because their library includes most everything they have produced from the last 3-4 decades. And even with all of that, they still only have 100+ shows or so. Biggest issue for me with HBO Now as a streaming service is the age of

    You do know iTunes lets you rent movies for $3-4 - right? If your argument is that you would rent if you could, there is an option out there. More likely though your argument is just pure bullshit.

    Netflix is the best channel / streaming option out there for sheer volume of good to great TV. I don't think they have the best original shows but they do have a lot of quality ones and combine that with some of the shows they have on streaming and it is well worth the monthly subscription to me. Could care less that

    I don't really remember a hot, new movie ever hitting Netflix months after it was in theaters so I think your expectations may be a bit out of whack. Netflix did make a deal with Disney to get their movies streaming first though.

    Whose to say he wasn't already riding one in JW? Dr. Grant seems like the kind of crazy asshole who would want to punish a young woman for not being good with children.

    "with cameos from the original film’s two most beloved characters: B.D. Wong’s Dr. Henry Exposition and the night-vision goggles"

    I thought the finale was silly too the first time I saw it but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. I think they built to the moment Russell Crowe's character had very well.

    Nor do people really even bother trying to understand how the film business actually works most of the time. I mean first you have people who don't understand gross revenue doesn't equal profit. Then you have people who don't understand marketing costs aren't included in the budgets they see online. And finally you

    I feel like these days a movie having a good cast alone makes it good enough to the general public. Sure, I like Denzel and Pratt as much as the next guy, but Magnificent Seven had a terrible script. They didn't once bother to do more than the minimum required in characterizing the Seven and thus the resolution to the

    Sad thing is the 3:10 to Yuma remake was fantastic - I liked it more than There Will Be Blood that year.

    So we're officially on to the stage where MCU-haters (I no longer am going to call people like this DC fans as I am a DC fan who also enjoys the MCU) have stopped trying to argue BvS and SS were actually good and are now on to talking about domestic box office takes in a vacuum?

    I don't think they have to be based there to be subject to laws in states they operate in. I mean this seems similar to states making daily fantasy illegal to me. For the record, IMDb is owned by Amazon which is based in Seattle though.

    The only thing specific I remember about Home Improvement is there was an episode where Tim interviews construction workers and asks them how they like their grilled cheese. One of the guys mentioned he likes to put fresh oregano on his and ever since I tried that, has been a staple addition to mine as well.

    Best drunk food? I disagree. Just because you're drunk doesn't mean you don't appreciate better food, at least in my experience. I once stayed with a friend who cooked a fresh pasta carbonara when we were drunk because he just likes to cook. That was much better than frozen pizza or Taco Bell.

    When I judge a movie, story is king. That being said, as far as portrayals in SS go, I'd grade them as:

    Why? The movies have very different flaws. MoS was a little too bleak and, IMO, punted the father-son relationship that defines Clark Kent so well. But the scenes on Krypton were great and I had no issues with Zod or the final action sequences. It wouldn't make my top-ten superhero movies or anything but it was fine,

    The thing is, the MCU movies realize what appeals to the largest audience base and hits the nail on the head with that formula over and over again. People make fun of it for having too many jokes but most casual moviegoers I know who aren't hardcore comic book fans enjoy humor in movies. They enjoy awesome action

    I don't think it is "underrated" - critics and audiences who have seen it all seem to like it. It's just a movie that a lot of people seem to have not seen or heard of.