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    Moon is indeed awesome and I'm glad to see Duncan Jones behind another, presumably, small-budget movie.

    I don't mind people who enjoy them in spite of their flaws, I mind people who like them and claim there are no flaws while also saying the MCU movies have a billion flaws.

    I am assuming they want to be tonally different from the MCU and also that they wanted to continue the goodwill they had from TDK trilogy (which is now gone). It hasn't worked very well.

    The issue isn't the tone - you can have great, dark comic book movies like TDK. The issue is the plots are just terribly constructed and the movies are more of a chore to watch than anything else.

    Because some people may not pay for a 2nd helping of shit in a few years when they release the sequel?

    It's said twice in the series and one is definitely in Part 2. We played the game for all three movies (on three different weekends).

    The part I always get a little misty at is when Lieutenant Dan finally thanks Forrest for saving his life and jumps into the ocean. His story is my favorite part of FG.

    I played a similar game with Back to the Future where we had to drink whenever either "Doc" or "Marty" was said. Do not play this game - you will blackout in 15-20 minutes.

    "And again, it plays as punishment for her being open to sex and drugs, a judgmental take that only seems more unfair with time."

    I assume for the same reason Climax, MI didn't, because another state has that city name already and they didn't want duplicates.

    1. Jake Butt is an awesome football player.
    2. He thinks his name is funny too, his twitter handle is @JBooty_88 and his whole family wears jerseys with Butt puns on them to games.

    Yea Pickledick and Jensen Apples have a great thing going there.

    I hope they cast a few comedic sitcom / sketch comedy actors to round out the cast. It was fun to see guys like Key and Peele in slightly more serious roles.

    No I'm not sure you get what I'm saying. I'm saying neither choice is good and our government is a giant clusterfuck of people elected in because they support one extreme opinion or another instead of a group of the most reasonable, intelligent people who could truly lead well. American politics are a mess of people

    I'm against the idea of having two political parties. How about that?

    "I’m the last person to demand public political stances from people, especially those in the entertainment business."

    Dirty for what? For not giving two shits about a celebrity's personal life unlike the masses? Personally unless an actor or actress commits a crime they are charged or convicted for, I only really care about how good their movies are. As such, Cruise is high up on my list as he constantly entertains.

    I see a lot of comments about bringing back female leads - am I wrong or didn't McQuarrie confirm Ferguson will be back for 6?

    How is this not under "Great Job, Internet!"?

    Could also be you just hang out with terrible people.