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    I didn't really have a problem with the movies before The Killing Joke. Most have not been amazing (I did really enjoy Gods and Monsters) but I wouldn't say they were geared towards either demographic you mentioned or bad either.

    Lord of the Rings had a great one if that counts as recent.

    So is this just ignoring Guardians of the Galaxy? I mean I know the music in the movie wasn't original, but they clearly went out of their way to make an awesome soundtrack that fit the movie well.

    Theme song - "Highway to the Dumbledore Zone"

    And so continues the "make it up as we go" approach Fox has had to their "shared" universe.

    Ketchup on top of chips? Gross!

    Meh…give me great jalapeno chips and I don't need much else.

    Do you really believe that if Netflix was one of four companies in a global oligopoly on television, that they'd be creating "libraries" of content for every interest? They are only spending tons of money now to grow their subscriber base. Eventually they are going to want to turn a profit and that means less original

    Agreed which is why I made my point specific to the NFL. I used hotel points (I travel for work) to get courtside seats to a Knicks game last year. Even though the Knicks suck, the game was awesome to be at cause everything players do is 10x more impressive watching in-person that close.

    I would guess that had a lot more to do with Yahoo fucking it up than anything else - no real basis for that other than my current opinion of Yahoo in general though.

    Hm, I dunno if having access to older shows concerns me as much. Netflix doesn't really have any older shows, so them disappearing off of their service is the result of them not wanting to pay licensing fees. But a service like HBO Now still gives you access to all of HBO's shows, including old ones like Oz and so on.

    Can you explain to me the appeal of porn stars you already know being in a HBO show? I mean if you know them, clearly you've seen them naked and, likely, having sex before.

    Yea…and the other thing with unplugging I fear is that if people had the option to only buy what they wanted, we would lose a lot of quality television. Lets face it, people watch shit like Kardashian reality shows, CBS sitcoms, and endless cop procedurals way more than they do shows like Fargo, Mr. Robot, and Better

    You mean having to pay $50 for parking and another $50 for a couple beers and hot dogs at a stadium your tax dollars helped to build on top of the hundreds of dollars you paid for tickets to have a terrible view of the game isn't already the dystopian future for sports fans?

    Yes but it also takes away from the central plot of the movie, which was Spider-Man's tragic romance with Gwen Stacy. I mean either MJ would have been barely in the movie, only long enough to distract viewers, or she would have been there as a weird secondary love interest who took away from Gwen's final scenes in the

    What the hell is ITT Tech?

    Movies still get actors way more exposure and with it, more money.

    I think you're wrong on that. The Divergent series was just plain bad but from what I saw of the first movie on a flight, she's talented. And I would guess her scenes being cut from TASM2 had more to do with how overstuffed that movie already was more than her performance. I mean what sense did it ever make to bring

    I saw three summer movies I really enjoyed and two were out in May (The Nice Guys and Civil War). The third was Hell or High Water which just came out.

    Spider-Man 2 came out 12 years ago. So not sure how that is at all relevant to Sony's current ability to produce a good Spider-Man movie…