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    Yes and it was a perfectly harmless and, IMO, enjoyable movie. Definitely not a piece of shit in my book.

    I think it's Haley Bennett who I always confuse as Jennifer Lawrence.

    You missed my point. Mutiny wasn't Joe's company to worry about in the first place. Cameron and Donna didn't want him involved and he forced his way in. He caused all of the issues he later tried to fix by putting himself somewhere he wasn't wanted. So yes he was an ass to do that despite his final intentions.

    Well it's the human frailties I was referring to. I can relate to him as a frustrated professional, but the show introduced him as an unlikable character IMO when Donna picked him up from the drunk tank with her kids in tow and it has never fixed that problem.

    I'm going to run contrary to everyone else and say after binging through 22 episodes of this show in roughly two weeks, Joe is one of my favorite parts of the show. Was his background in S1 overly ridiculous? Sure. But by the end of S1 and definitely in S2 his character evolved into a good one and Pace consistently

    I disagree on the latter paragraph. How would you like it if someone you had a bad relationship came in and started dictating how you do your job? How you run your business? That is what Joe did to Cameron last season. He agreed to support their servers for $3 a hour then when he had the leverage to continue them at

    I know you posted this a year ago but I just watched the season to catch up before S3 got too far along and have to disagree on your assessments. None of the characters are "good" or "bad" in either season, they're all fully developed, complex characters. Donna, for example, isn't despicable because she does what

    Makes sense, the Rock really is the modern day version of Tommy Lee Jones.

    I saw Haley Bennett in the Magnificent Seven trailer and once again thought she was Jennifer Lawrence (she also was in Hardcore Henry). That's all.

    I care, his story definitely had an impact on my thoughts on Brazil as a tourism spot and I'm sure I'm not the only one. As an American, it is embarrassing to have been represented by this idiot.

    Honestly based on what we've seen of other planets in Guardians of Galaxy, this is like asking why a kid who grew up in a poor small town in Alabama where he watched the only parent he knew die in front of him doesn't visit from his new London flat.

    I just watched the first season and am commenting on an old review which means most likely no one will read my thoughts. On the season, I would say it was just OK. It really felt like every character, except maybe Cameron, was underdeveloped to me and the story felt rushed. Bosworth, in particular, had seemingly

    That sucks…honestly have to say I lost most of my interest in traveling to Brazil based on stories from these Olympics. Pretty sure that is the opposite effect the Olympics are supposed to have so this has to be a disaster for Rio.

    That's my favorite episode but mostly because of the whole George doing the opposite plot.

    You mean a female character like Elaine? I don't know if she got to 70 but she dated dozens of guys over the course of Seinfeld and I don't really think anyone has issues with it.

    Based on the documentary, he was treated incredibly unfairly and unjustly by the system. So glad this happened. Hope he goes free and gets to finally watch Wrestlemania.

    Wally maybe? They really haven't established him at all and he would be a major character. Could also see Captain Cold, Heat Wave, or Alex as others mention below. Would really be a stretch if it was anyone from Arrow as they're all well-established at this point.

    I love craft beer and brew a ton myself but have never been a fan of any pumpkin beer.

    “Can you think of another popular show that went away and then came back five years later with the same cast?"

    Might just be me but I want to see all four of those…Black Panther was awesome in CW and both Strange and WW looked great in trailers. And Aquaman has a ton of potential if done correctly. None are on the same level of ridiculousness as Howard the Duck (who for what it's worth was in Guardians of the Galaxy).