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    Where exactly did you see all of those speculative dates? Because I would guess it wasn't actually from Netflix.

    I just wasn't sure what you meant by original - like did you mean original idea (not adapted) or first movie of a trilogy? Also Wolverine first appeared in X1 and X2 so those could disqualify him as well.

    Can i count the Wolverine movies as an original trilogy? Cause X-Men Origins: Wolverine is one of the worst superhero movies of all time while The Wolverine was pretty damn good up until the final act.

    You'll know he's actually playing Punisher when he starts rubbing his head before every action sequence.

    Gotta be honest, I read your post as "my therapist needs a month away from everything to deal with working with me."

    In Phase 2, those stuck up bitches will be a part of my business as well! Soon you can go to a bar where you're the only genuine person there, shitty experience delivered just as you want it to be.

    EDIT 3 is looking to be a hell of a capper to this trilogy.

    If only we had a mat that allowed for jumping to the right conclusion every time.

    Million dollar business idea: I provide you with a friend who will sit next to you at bars and talk to you while you ignore them and search for funny GIFs on your phone. They'll never get mad at you and storm off!

    I binged Oz a few years ago and it was an interesting experience. I never felt good after watching an episode but yet I had to know what would happen next.

    Only 10? You've been walking to the fridge to grab your beers haven't you? Pro tip: get a mini-fridge, college style, and prop it right next to your La-Z-Boy. Leave the door unlocked for taco delivery.


    Reviews a year from now: The third Thor film took a strange turn when the Grandmaster began imploring combatants to rent via Apartments.com instead of owning.

    Seems possible, I have to imagine at some point of this show, Richard and Gavin will work together. They've teased it every season thus far.

    Man I disagree with this so much. Most of all the comment about the geeks only being slightly more authentic than TBBT…

    Fuck you too buddy.

    I'm fairly sure I do remember scenes of Richard in the bathroom from S1. And I'm not knocking the show big here…just asking a question. I swear my comments are being teleported over to IGN based on some of the hostile replies I get nowadays. Can't a guy just have fun picking at unimportant details of a show he

    If they have owned the blog for under a year they wouldn't qualify for long-term capital gains (which maxes out at 20%) and would pay taxes based on their normal tax rate. No matter the case they would still owe state taxes which are high in California (I know from personal experience).

    The blog sold for $2M but Erlich mentioned he called Big Head to tell him he was getting $500k in the episode. So I think they owned 50% of the blog. And I also kind of doubt CJ would go to such troubles to sell her blog if she owned none of it.

    So broke Erlich and Big Head got $1M from the blog sale and spent all of it on Pied Piper? Wouldn't they have to pay taxes on the sale of a business they owned?