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    Pretty good episode but I personally didn't like the music playing during the beginning scenes at all. It was jarring and kind of took away from what was really an awesome "oh shit" moment.

    How in the world is Space Jam 2 considered an incentive?

    Whoops my bad, somehow forgot about Community.

    Coming soon to NBC: Chicago 99!

    They gave it a very short season order, aired it, found that their key demographic liked it, and decided to renew it. I'm not sure how that is any different, or better, than modern-day comedies getting a full or half season to attract an audience that marketers will pay for.

    It was watchable until Steve Carrell left but never had the long-term consistency Parks and Rec or 30 Rock did. I think its reputation suffers because it aired at the same time and on the same network as two all-time great sitcoms.

    They were essentially saying she looked too old to play a high school kid while Tobey didn't. Given that is true, I don't see the problem.

    Does it matter at all that MJ was in high school in the first movie? Banks was actually too old to play the character.

    Is it as implausible as Jar Jar choosing to give a convincing speech to give Palpatine all the power he needed to become Emperor?

    That only happened cause Brando refused to reprise his role.

    I see your perspective, I just don't think he was well-developed enough for me to care about his ultimate fate at any point of the season. Even when he was first introduced, I didn't really care if he chose to follow Samaritan or not. If they were going for that angle, I would think someone like Harper would have made

    I really didn't need the point of that scene explained to me as I understood it quite well. My larger complaint was Jeff Blackwell as a whole never clicked as a character - the show spent a good amount of time with him this season and the payoff wasn't worth it. They could have had nameless Samaritan operatives do

    Yea but the show heavily implied the Machine was seeing the funeral sequence as John died. I mean they showed Root in the past with young John. It was a bit of a cheat because, IMO, they included that scene for two purposes, to show John's motivation and also to trick viewers at the beginning into thinking they were

    I enjoyed the finale quite a bit but some of it didn't work for me. I never really came around on caring about Jeff Blackwell, so Shaw's revenge murder at the end didn't have quite the impact it seemed like it should. If that had been someone like Martine, meaning established in a previous season given she already

    Yea…I mean people, myself included, definitely complained about all the setup for future movies in Age of Ultron. And there has been a growing trend of complaining about Infinity Stones being the crux to every other MCU movie as well.

    Sounds gross to me because I hate regular mayo but my favorite unusual burger grosses my friends out too (peanut butter, grilled pineapple, bacon, bleu cheese, and a patty). Sometimes those unusual ingredient combinations work.

    Chocolate chip cookie covered in tuna salad with vinegar and banana peppers.

    Firehouse is a definite 2 for me (haven't had Which Wich yet).

    McDuffie is great - I got his e-mail back when I was in high school (he did an interview with one of my friends for a JL website he ran) and went back and forth with him a bit. Mostly about college (he went to my alma mater) but a bit on the show. He was a very nice guy and his impact on the DCAU was clear.

    Maybe not as director but I've always wanted Bruce Timm to be involved and possibly in charge of the DCEU. If he can plot a tremendous animated universe, I see no reason why he can't do the same in film.