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    Venture Bros is awesome.

    You're basing way too much of your argument on pre-movie expectations and reactions. Nolan's Batman movies had terrible fan reactions before they came out. People hated the way he redesigned the Batmobile and they hated Heath Ledger being cast as the Joker. When the movies turned out to be fantastic, that all got

    My overwhelming feeling based on your post is you look at the depth with DC related reviews and articles but not with Marvel so your view is skewed. Because I've read a lot of Marvel reviews that criticize the movies for unnecessarily table-setting future installments. And I've seen panic in comment boards over things

    No you're probably right. Imagine if there is some dandruff left over, that could be worth another cool hundred.

    Back us for $10,000 and we'll deliver one miniature Bowie!

    Yea exactly. The show needed the app to look successful from the outside while actually failing and to get it they manufactured an unlikely scenario. I would be totally fine with the plot if the app just never caught on with users period.

    To be fair, A Link Between Worlds (released on 3DS between Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild) is very non-linear.

    What? No it was obviously not a surprise - it wasn't the actor's name that gave it away though. It was Littlefinger asking for permission to attack Winterfell last season, rallying troops at the Vale this season, and Sansa sending a "secret" note (as if we don't know the only other person she really knows on the show

    Yea…if the complaint is this season has been clumsily plotted, I would agree with that. Just a shame that one of the best episodes of the season (IMO) bears the brunt of the critique. I thought the two episodes before this was were far worse even with the predictable ending here.

    I said this in another post but is that really this episode's fault or the ones prior to it? Littlefinger appearing at the end should have been a surprise, it wasn't because previous episodes ruined it.

    Absolutely it was.

    They addressed that in the episode - I believe Jon speculated Ramsay wouldn't hide in his castle because the whole North was watching for his response.

    I haven't missed your point at all, I've already acknowledged that the platform would be confusing for some consumers. If you want to say majority of consumers, also fine. That being said, I think you still are missing my point which is firmly based on the actual numbers they reported in this episode.

    Yea exactly…if I'm installing an app on my devices, I'm not choosing stuff at random and hoping it proves to be useful for me.

    I think you missed my point entirely - it wasn't that I had trouble believing some people would have a hard time understanding what Pied Piper does. I never argued that wouldn't be the case. My point was there are a ton of tech-savvy people in the world who would get the platform and would use it all the time.

    Yea but my point was also that just by getting it out to engineers who were really excited about it, they should have more active users. I mean they're appearing on TV and, I assume, in articles everywhere - I would imagine if the platform is as good as advertised it would sell itself to those of us who aren't worried

    BTW I liked the episode a good deal more personally but agree with a lot of the flaws mentioned. IMO a lot of those flaws were caused by decisions in earlier episodes. They didn't have to give away Littlefinger coming to the rescue but they did several times over. And they could have explained why Sansa acted like she

    Was I the only one who found it hilarious that Dany unleashed her arm of 100k Dothraki warriors on what appeared to be 20-25 Sons of the Harpy? I mean what were they going to do after they killed those few dozen guys…logjam the entrance to Mereen?

    OK that makes sense. But I still think the show made the app users way too stupid. Why would anyone download the app if they didn't have a semblance of a clue of what it did? Why wouldn't Pied Piper have a very user-friendly FAQ? And why wouldn't all the engineers who loved the beta be spreading great word of mouth to

    Oh c'mon…does this show really expect me to believe that Pied Piper is as awesome as it is, every person with even an iota of computer intelligence loves it, yet it can't get past 20k DAU?