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    The only real dumb move was Sansa not telling Jon about her relationship with Littlefinger in the first place. And I suppose Jon charging in to save Rickon but I had no issues with how that played out.

    Not bringing in Littlefinger would have resulted in Jon and his army dying so no…not the biggest blunder ever.

    I actually knew Ramsay's actor before he was on Game of Thrones as he was on a BBC show called Misfits. He played a fairly weird character there too.

    Lets see…I was at $6000 last week and bet $200 on Septa Unella and $300 on Waif at 10 to 1. So I am at $8800 for season.

    That Killing Mr. Griffin movie had Michelle Williams, Mario Lopez and Amy Jo Johnson (original Pink Ranger), I remember watching it as a kid.

    So the Machine knew Harold would go to DC and need Reese and Shaw's support but still had them go back to NYC after last week before sending them back to DC? Maybe the Machine was just as concerned with Bear being left alone as the rest of us and wanted to ensure he got fed and taken on a walk.

    The oddsmaker made the Waif 10-1 last week when she was clearly going to die. So yea, he's a bad oddsmaker.

    Basically the reveal of who was actually Gossip Girl on that show was awful and retroactively ruined a good portion of the series.

    Should have taken the bet it seems.

    Yea that was my point - HBO would have had to kill the show to revive it. They never did because Larry David has always had control over when it ends with HBO seemingly happy as a clam to air as many seasons as he'll produce.

    Which matters for a HBO show why?

    Is it really a revival when the show never got cancelled in the first place? I always just assumed the ninth season would arrive if and when Larry David decided he wanted to create it.

    I'm sure they'll have the meeting, my point was more that expecting Erlich to get his shares back somehow doesn't make a lot of sense. Monica won't go on a limb for him and without her he won't have the votes. And he already spent all the money.

    IIRC Glover himself wanted to play Morales. He's voiced him in the USM cartoon.

    I doubt they bother showing the board meeting vote…Laurie controls the board with Monica and I highly doubt Monica would block the sale given it would mean she loses her job and the sale goes through the next day.

    And being good looking in general, don't forget about that.

    Agreed. Riverrun seemed to just be an excuse to get Brienne out of the Battle of the Bastards for some reason. Jon and Sansa didn't even bother to hear back from her last week - it seemed like they had already forgotten they sent her to rally more troops. And Arya spent two seasons in Braavos to essentially decide to

    I think D&D caught wind of the "SS Abandoned Plotline" meme and made it a point to just bring back all the minor characters they forgot about and resolve their stories.

    There would be zero point to that twist other than to shock viewers.

    Well admittedly it was dumb to write I didn't want a reply and then ask for one - but the main reason I wrote the "not wanting a justification" piece was because I knew no one would bother to reply to the entirety of my point.