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    Well I just edited and expanded on why I thought it was horrible with six points - feel free to counter further if you'd like.

    Uh no…that Arya scene was bad. Like really bad. I'll break it down:

    Yep. Sad but after this episode I'm accepting that those two were riding GRRM's coattails all along.

    Wow, Laurie is a fucking cold-hearted bitch. I'd like to think Erlich would have had other options but I can't really think of any.

    Ah gotcha, yea that doesn't make sense then. Then again this whole episode was flaming garbage so its par for the course.

    Does she know the sword was forged from Ned's longsword?

    Fuck whoever wrote this episode - Arya's whole story was complete and utter garbage.

    He also had a good one-off on Fringe. Looks like he has done a lot of one episode roles lately.

    Yea - I used to watch that and Just Shoot Me on syndication every day after school as a kid. Kind of makes me sad both have been largely forgotten now.

    He was a regular on Spin City which is more recent but also more likely to be something people haven't seen.

    What you described is the problem - trying to trick the audience is a losing proposition. The better shows have realized this and don't bother trying - they focus on the "what happens next" or "why did that happen" mystery instead of the basic "who is it / who did it" type mystery. We're also starting to see more

    That's the spirit - lets not blame professional writers for doing a shitty job, it's our fault for being too smart of an audience and we should all fulfill the destiny outlined in Idiocracy so all writers have to do is show a guy getting kicked in the balls to hold our interest!

    Is George Costanza behind this? This has candy bar lineup all over it.

    No not really. I hate the cliffhanger as much as anyone but no one who binges this show years from now will care about that.

    The bounty hunter from S4 would make for a good choice too. Played by Kathryn Winnick to boot.

    Cinemax has no issues pushing the boundaries - that's for sure. After Strike Back and Banshee, I'd give this a go.

    They denied it but he definitely was, IIRC he talked like Obama does.

    Some people on IGN were actually bitching about Carter dying to advance Reese's story still.

    IMO it was the perfect follow-up to last week's death-filled episode because it showed how much life there was left in the universe. Seeing the second team made me smile because it seemed like as bad as things were for Reese and co, they were uplifted by the presence of numbers they saved previously fighting the good

    I honestly stayed up a hour after the episode aired on Tuesday hoping for this review to pop up so I could discuss it with others. None of my friends watch POI so my only outlet for talking about how awesome it is are these reviews. So it sucks a ton when they are delayed a while like they have been this year. I find