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    Kingsman had an Obama lookalike who they did not portray / treat well. They got by just fine.

    I really hope we get on-time reviews for the last two episodes of this great series.

    I'm at $6000 for the season since No One paid off last week. Putting $200 on Septa Unella and $300 on The Waif.

    And like National Treasure it should have never gotten a sequel.

    I didn't think the episode was rushed at all personally. I thought it was awesome how they integrated some of the older characters back in and it really did leave the door open for a spin-off.

    I liked Barnwell's football articles - the gambling perspective was unlike what you see from most NFL coverage. And his assessment of coaching decisions (good or bad) were always spot on.

    Yea I was with him when he bashed ESPN for how they treated Grantland after they let him go but this just seems petty. He should be focusing on how to get Zach Lowe, Bill Barnwell, and others to HBO and grow The Ringer.

    I marveled at Nic Cage getting a second Ghost Rider movie for sure.

    Will this be before, after, or a part of Boondock Saints 3?

    Can someone review Person of Interest?

    I was thinking of Common Law and Fairly Legal being the root causes myself.

    I wish I could like this 100x.

    I miss White Collar. It really was a fun show with likable leads.

    That didn't just happen to Suits. The last season of Burn Notice was considerably darker than what came before it. I think Graceland also had a tonal shift based on the commercials I watched but I never got into that one.

    For all "Does Netflix know about XYZ" type questions. Answer is obviously yes.

    It's not meant to be a surprise…Netflix's strategy has openly been to use viewing habits to make decisions on what shows they create / revive.

    Not to mention the sudden disappearance of Vivian 1.

    Haha fair enough, TBH I didn't think the iPad was going to take off when I just heard about it conceptually, it took me a year to buy one and ever since have used it nonstop. So I was just appealing as a fellow initial skeptic - it is actually pretty handy to have.

    Evan the Husband was tons better than Divya post-Jeremiah likes her revelation. She has made a series of the most stupid and pointless decisions ever since.

    Book Sansa isn't keen enough of an observer to realize Littlefinger means to kill Robin…so again I disagree she really is as cunning as you think she is / should be. There really is no point in having the same argument over and over again…I personally think her character has progressed just fine since S1. And if her