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    You technically can't use that on takeoff and landing although I'm sure most flight attendants won't care.

    I don't doubt Littlefinger tried to mentor Sansa and that she thought it was taking but it clearly never did. That was obvious when she agreed to marry Ramsay and only later realized the ramifications for doing so. And since she last was with Littlefinger, she has been physically and mentally traumatized by said

    Who has mentored her? Littlefinger? Littlefinger has obviously been using her for his own, larger game. Jon or Davos? They only just met her (again for Jon).

    Your parents didn't happen to screen Old Yeller for you did they?

    People don't just gain diplomatic / strategic skills because they become more confident…having Sansa suddenly be as cunning as Littlefinger would have been bad writing. Having her realize she needs to take charge but blunder around while doing so is very realistic.

    I don't get why the show is trying to make Littlefinger appearing at Winterfell some big surprise. He asked for permission to take out the Boltons last season and got Cersei approval to do so. Not to mention he rallied the Vale army earlier this season.

    Eh…I'd rather own all of Samurai Jack on DVD (as I have since I was in college) and go with Netflix's original stuff.

    In all seriousness, this would be really cool if true. I've been hoping for a while that the DC animated movies would feature characters other than Batman more often. A JLD movie would fit that bill.

    I'm more of a Legion of Doom Saison guy myself.

    What? I read the article and was talking about this sentence, "limps out of theaters today having barely earned a record-breaking $936 million worldwide."

    Writing plain incorrect facts is not sarcasm, it's stupidity.

    I'm confused - when was Erlich shown selling his vote? All that was shown was Erlich talking to Laurie then later deflated as he got a call about his debts being paid off. His debts were worth $1M and his stake in Pied Piper was already worth $25M based on the EndFrame acquisition.

    You're talking about large companies with billing systems designed to send out notices automatically on a schedule…small catering companies reliant on payment to pay their own bills so they can keep operating would likely be calling everyday as Erlich experienced.

    I thought the iPad was dumb until I got one…now I use it every single day.

    Do you travel at all? The iPad is a godsend on flights.

    I doubt he sold his entire stake in Pied Piper…I think the review assumed that without really thinking through how dumb of a decision that would have been.

    I thought that was Lindsay Sloane?

    Yea but the Brotherhood (as shown in this episode) are also very different from both the books and their initial appearance in S3. They slaughtered women and children for their supplies.

    I'm not really speculating about anything…all she does is in the books is seek revenge against anyone who has wronged her with a small group of men she leads. My point was knowing that, I don't see how she would be useful in rallying troops. If they changed her character for the show (assuming she ever shows up) then

    …you realize talking about LSH at all is speculating based on the books - right? There has been very few indications she is actually going to be on the show IMO.