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    Pied Piper already lost majority in the board last year when Russ sold his two votes to Laurie. Also as I mentioned above, I kind of doubt Erlich would sell all his shares.

    Rallying troops, to me, is what Jon and Sansa did in this episode. Going to Northern lords and asking for support. LSH wouldn't do that, she has her Brotherhood Without Banners group and is killing people mostly by trapping them.

    Taking up for a Stark they all know (like Rickon in the books) is a bit different than taking up for a king who no one knows.

    Rally forces for the Stark cause? Are we talking about the same LSH I remember? She's focused only on killing Lannisters and Freys.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't have explained how he survived, just that the way they did it was lazy.

    Oh I don't think that all happens this season - there clearly isn't enough time left for it.

    There's no way Erlich sold all his shares - right? Pied Piper was just valued at $250M so his 10% stake is already worth $25M. If all he needed was $1M to cover his party, he should have sold 0.4% and kept the other 9.6%.

    I thought that was Lancel getting choked.

    He goes after the Brotherhood Without Banners who are by Riverrun, is captured by Jaime and co and is brought back to KL for charges of treason?

    Who the hell would name their child Lem if his last name was Lemoncloak?

    An A- feels high for an episode that really felt like it featured lazy writing. McShane's conversation with the Hound was a barely hidden explanation of how he survived and Arya's encounter with the Waif made no real sense.

    I thought this was one of the weaker episodes of Game of Thrones period. Pointless exposition from McShane's character (who never even gets named before getting killed off) to catch us up on the Hound. Ridiculous sequence of Arya getting stabbed by a professional killer who assumes she dies from a non-fatal wound for

    Objection: The victim is not on trial here your Honor.

    To be fair, part of the complaint was that you never would see a man being choked out by another man on a movie poster. I can't think of an example of one myself.

    We're all just trying to keep things cajzh man.

    I looked it up and they were told in 2013, so yes I was wrong but I also disagree with your use of "recently" as this was three years ago:

    The Asha to Yara change explanation doesn't even make sense. The show still has Bran and Bronn which is just as similar as Asha and Osha.

    He's also got better zombies.

    Game of Thrones couldn't be less like Lord of the Rings but OK guy.

    My understanding was that GRRM told D&D all the major plot points when they started the show…so your post really makes no sense and comes off as stupid diatribe from a miserable fan.