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    Kirkman is a fucking idiot. So his take is GRRM should have sold the rights to his books in a way that would lead to a shitty adaptation of his works? Yea…that makes a lot of sense.

    I don't believe Margaery would be ruler of Westoros if Tommen died. If she's pregnant she could rule as Queen Regent though.

    I'm honestly beginning to wonder if someone is reading spoilers to generate these which would be really fucking dumb if so. If the Hound does show up, I'm going to be highly suspicious.

    There are plenty of people who were on her list that she didn't personally kill, like Joffrey. I don't think she has to kill everyone.

    Yes it was awesome and demonstrated just how much better Euron is in the books than in the show (thus far at least).

    Who in the literal hell is making these odds? The Hound hasn't been on the show since the 4th season and his death is 3-1? Does AV Club not understand how odds are supposed to work?

    It's Rumor Time: His beard was drawn on anyways.

    Clearly S7 of Game of Thrones is going to feature Jon Snow joining the New York Yankees. Its a step up folks.

    Is it considered rape if Rogue touches me, turns into me, and touches herself as me?

    I want less Mystique and a director who understands the X-Men have hundreds of characters to work with, not just the same 5-6 he keeps going back to.

    Touched By A Mutant makes me think Mystique is traveling the country and raping people.

    It had a budget between $140-160M while X3 had a budget of $210M. So making about a hundred million less in revenue means they were about even in terms of money made. Which is impressive given how little people cared for the X-Men after Wolverine Origins and X3.

    See I don't think Falcon (or War Machine) joining the Avengers needed to be explained. I don't think it really had to do with his relationship with Steve either. If someone offered me a gig to be on the premiere superhero team in the world, I'd take it without hesitation. Not to mention Falcon saw Hydra take over the

    I think Deadpool was as good as it got credit for being personally. I mean it was an origin story so it was naturally bogged down by that but it couldn't have felt truer to the character. If they can build on that, the sequel should be amazing.

    Yea…I watched The Wolverine for the first time a few months ago on TV and kept thinking through the first two acts how awesome it was. Then the third act rolled around and I understood why it got an average score overall.

    I think it is. It's my favorite of the bunch and one that I will never turn off if I find it on TV.

    Unless someone can think of a similar scene from a show before Futurama, I'd say you're right. Funny I love Futurama but never thought of that before.

    I think you're being harsh on the MCU. I could point to Guardians of the Galaxy as a movie where you do see a team truly coming together. I also think Cap and Falcon developed a very believable friendship in limited time.

    I appreciate the X-Men movies but man do they need a fresh take. Singer needs to be shown the door - I honestly wonder why they didn't try harder to bring back Vaughn after how well he did with First Class.

    It isn't necessarily sexist at all. You fail to understand that making movies is a business. Hollywood studios analyze what audiences want to see and cast accordingly.