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    LOL dude. You're assuming Captain Marvel will be an Avenger but Black Panther, Spidey, Dr. Strange, and so on won't be?

    No not OK. You're specifically citing Brie Larson's CURRENT age as a problem as she is on the cusp of being cast. So it therefore makes perfect sense to use the original ages when the current Avengers were cast as well. So NOT OK.

    Reasonable discussion is you saying something is sexist to any counter? After you posted BS data in the first place? OK guy.


    Look at my post above dweeb.

    You know what is especially annoying? You using actor's current ages vs what they were when they were first cast. For example, RDJ was cast as Iron Man in 2007 when he was 42. Yet you cite him as 51 as he is now.

    There used to be a male Captain Marvel (a Kree who was a good guy) in Marvel comics. There also was Captain Marvel in DC comics, a kid who turned into a Superman looking hero. He is now called Shazam.

    I hate to say it but she's too old. Whoever plays this role needs to be able to play it for 10-15 years and she's already mid-30s. Also she's done nothing to prove she can be a box office draw.

    I like it - really was hoping for Rebecca Ferguson when I heard her rumored but Larson is a great actress.

    Fine then why would any of that change if the character dies near the series finale?

    I thought about it the first time and still think its ridiculous. My parents immigrated from India and I was born and raised in America. I don't have an accent, don't particularly like curry dishes or other strong smelling Indian food, and don't fit many other stereotypes either. So yes, I understand wanting to see

    Or even this episode in particular given Elias died right before Root…

    But what you're saying is basically that POI handled Root's death well but because other shows have killed off lesbians in lesser ways, POI should be ready for criticism. I don't agree with that at all.

    Being a fan of someone and identifying with someone are two very different things in my book.

    What fucking kid is identifying with a homicidal maniac like Root? I mean have you seen the show? She isn't exactly someone to look up to…

    This times infinity.

    How about we just don't introduce any lesbian characters then - that way none of them can die!

    I mean just wow with this episode. I felt a lurch in my stomach when Elias died and thought that was bad enough. Then when I saw Jeff going for that sniper rifle, I knew what would happen next but still told myself there was no way they'd kill off Root too. That was a devastating hour of TV softened only by Finch's

    The guy from The Commish?

    Eh I dunno…I liked TFA and thought while the plot was obviously very similar, the characters were not. I think they could definitely go another route. Either way no real point in judging before any trailers or concrete info really drop.