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    Or maybe they just used Jaime as he is now for this scene as they clearly did. Jaime in the books always had longer hair as a young man.

    I actually truly believe that was JJ Abrams' vision.

    Jaime's hair gives it away. He did not look like that in S1.

    Perhaps its a vision of the future.

    They need a new hit like Starcrash 2: The Crash of Khan.

    I wish I could be a film tester and totally fuck up some directors vision with a snarky comment or two.

    I liked X-Men Evolution - it wasn't perfect but was a fun show to watch. Also X-23 was introduced on that show and has made her way into canon. So its not like Spyke couldn't do that as well. He annoyed me at first too but I liked his plot about mutating further and becoming a Morlock.

    "Keller is rumored to be “a mix of [X-Men characters] Rogue and Spyke.”"

    Yea that was odd…my rule of thumb is 9/10 times a character who dies off-screen is still alive. But both Fargo and Game of Thrones have been exceptions to that rule in the last year so maybe showrunners are catching on a bit.

    Doesn't he marry that cheerleader?

    What? Brienne finds Stannis in the last episode of S5. In the first episode of S6, Roose and Ramsay discuss finding his dead body. And then in the fourth episode of S6, Brienne meets Davos and confirms she killed him. So not sure where you're getting this two season thing from.

    Are you asking how we feel about prosecutors who get cases assigned to them and then lose them in court? Because that is closer to the scenario if Cersei wins a Trial by Combat than a wrongful conviction, which is what you seem to be indicating.

    Yep, you phrased it a lot better than I did but this is how I feel as well.

    Wasn't she the one who asked for all the wildfire that Tyrion used in the second book / season?

    I don't think the Hound ever definitively died on-screen. He was just wounded badly and left to die.

    Hmm maybe you're right, the article I read, linked below, doesn't quote them exactly but does indicate Stannis gave his permission:

    Its kind of a lose-lose situation. If you break Essos into a new show, it would be boring as shit most of the time. I mean imagine watching a hour of Essos alone. If you abandon it altogether, you likely can't keep Emilia Clarke locked up for when you do need her or people will complain when she shows up in the last

    Potential Spoilers below so read at your own risk:

    Had a thought after yesterday's episode…is it possible 3ER was working with the white walkers and is using Bran to help them cross the Wall? I mean we know that:

    I have chalked that up to D&D knowing more about the characters than we do. If GRRM told me Stannis ultimately would burn his daughter alive to try to win his throne, I'd probably loathe him too.